释义 |
- adj.声高刺耳的;喧闹的;嘈杂的;衣着花里胡哨的
- n.【高】铜头球棒
- 网络似黄铜的;厚颜无耻的;黄铜味
比较级:brassier 最高级:brassiest adj. harsh,loud,metallic,strident,grating 1. | 声高刺耳的;喧闹的;嘈杂的loud and unpleasant |
2. | (informal) 衣着花里胡哨的dressing in a way that makes her sexual attraction obvious, but without style |
| the brassy blonde behind the bar 酒吧柜台后面的花哨金发女郎 |
3. | 黄铜色的;黄得耀眼的like brass in colour; too yellow and bright |
4. | (informal) 直截了当的;过于直率的saying what you think, without caring about other people |
adj. | 1. brightly dressed in a cheap and showy way, and behaving too confidently or noisily 2. dominated by or resembling the sounds of brass musical instruments, and therefore typically short, harsh, and high-pitched 3. brazen or strident in style 4. made of or containing brass 6. golden-yellow in colour 7. a brassy woman is one who you think talks too loudly, seems too confident, and wears clothes that are bright and do not have much style 8. a brassy sound is loud and unpleasant 1. brightly dressed in a cheap and showy way, and behaving too confidently or noisily 2. dominated by or resembling the sounds of brass musical instruments, and therefore typically short, harsh, and high-pitched 3. brazen or strident in style 4. made of or containing brass 6. golden-yellow in colour 7. a brassy woman is one who you think talks too loudly, seems too confident, and wears clothes that are bright and do not have much style 8. a brassy sound is loud and unpleasant |