美 [bʌk]
英 [bʌk]
- abbr.(=buckram)
- 网络巴克;巴克B;休闲渔夫帽
1. | [c] (informal) (一)美元;(一)澳元;(一)新西兰元;(一)南非兰特;(一)印度卢比a US, Australian or New Zealand dollar; a South African rand ; an Indian rupee |
They cost ten bucks. 这些值十元钱。 | |
We're talking big bucks(= a lot of money) here. 我们这当儿谈的可是大买卖。 |
2. | [c] 雄鹿;公兔a male deer , hare or rabbit (also called abuck rabbit ) |
3. | [c] 鹿(不论雌雄)a deer , whether male or female |
a herd of buck 一群鹿 |
4. | [c] (informal) 小伙子a young man |
5. | [sing] (用于某些表达方式)责任,过失used in some expressions to refer to the responsibility or blame for sth |
It was my decision. The buck stops here(= nobody else can be blamed) . 那是我的决定,不要追究别人了。 | |
I was tempted to pass the buck(= make sb else responsible) . 我很想把责任推给别人。 |
make a fast/quick buck
轻易地赚钱to earn money quickly and easily
1. | [i] 尥起后蹄跳跃;弓背四蹄跳起to jump with the two back feet or all four feet off the ground |
2. | [i] 猛然震荡;猛烈颠簸to move up and down suddenly or in a way that is not controlled |
The boat bucked and heaved beneath them. 小船在他们脚下猛烈颠簸着。 |
3. | [t] (informal) ~ sth 抵制;反抗to resist or oppose sth |
One or two companies have managed to buck the trend of the recession. 有一两家公司顶住了经济滑坡的势头。 | |
He admired her willingness to buck the system(= oppose authority or rules) . 他赞赏她反抗现存体制的主动性。 |
buck your ideas up
振作起来to start behaving in a more acceptable way, so that work gets done better, etc.