释义 |
Byzantine美 ['bɪz(ə)n.tin] 英 [bɪ'zæntaɪn] - adj.【建】拜占廷式的;【史】拜占廷的;东罗马帝国的;诡计多端的
- n.拜占廷人;拜占廷风格的画家
- 网络拜占庭人;憎恨拜占庭;厌恶拜占庭
adj. straightforward,honest adj. complex,intricate,tortuous,convoluted,complicated adj. | 1. 拜占庭(巴尔干半岛东端一古城,1453年被奥斯曼帝国占领,更名伊斯坦布尔) 1. 拜占庭(巴尔干半岛东端一古城,1453年被奥斯曼帝国占领,更名伊斯坦布尔) | n. | | un. | 1. 拜占庭(原指东罗马帝国宫庭,今喻宫庭政治阴谋诡计) |
adj. | 1. relating to the ancient city of Byzantium 2. relating to the eastern part of the late Roman Empire 3. relating to or typical of the colorful religious art or the ornate architecture developed under the Byzantine Empire 4. relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church and its traditions 5. extremely complex or intricate 6. marked by deviousness or scheming 7. complicated and difficult to understand 1. relating to the ancient city of Byzantium 2. relating to the eastern part of the late Roman Empire 3. relating to or typical of the colorful religious art or the ornate architecture developed under the Byzantine Empire 4. relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church and its traditions 5. extremely complex or intricate 6. marked by deviousness or scheming 7. complicated and difficult to understand | n. | 1. somebody who came from the ancient city of Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire |