美 ['kænɪŋ]
英 ['kænɪŋ]
- auxv.能;行;难道会;(可)能
- modalv.会;得;难道会;(表示知道如何做)懂得
- n.(盛食品或饮料的)金属罐;一罐(的量);塑料容器;喷雾罐
- v.把(食品)装罐保存;解雇;让…卷铺盖走人;炒…的鱿鱼
- 网络凯宁;罐头制造;坎宁
1. | [c] (盛食品或饮料的)金属罐a metal container in which food and drink is sold |
a can of beans 豆罐头 | |
a beer/paint can 啤酒罐;漆筒 |
2. | [c] 一罐(的量)the amount contained in a can |
We drank a can of Coke each. 我们每人喝了一罐可乐。 |
3. | [c] (装运液体用的)金属容器,塑料容器a metal or plastic container for holding or carrying liquids |
an oil can 油罐 | |
a watering can 洒水壶 |
4. | [c] 喷雾罐a metal container in which liquids are kept under pressure and let out in a fine spray when you press a button on the lid |
a can of hairspray 一罐喷发定型剂 |
5. | [sing] 班房;监狱;牢房prison |
6. | [sing] 茅房;厕所the toilet |
a can of worms
棘手的问题;难题;麻烦事if you open upa can of worms , you start doing sth that will cause a lot of problems and be very difficult
be in the can
已拍摄好;录制完毕to be completed and ready for use