美 ['kɑ:stə(r)]
英 ['kɑ:stə(r)]
- n.万向轮
- 网络北河二;卡斯托耳;小脚轮
n. | 1. 蓖麻 2. (桌椅等的)脚轮 3. 海狸皮;海狸皮帽 4. 一种大衣呢 5. 〔俚语〕帽 6. (餐桌上的)调味瓶,调味瓶架子 7. 【动物;动物学】海狸 8. 【航海】(暴风雨时的)桅头电光 9. 【天文学】北河二〔双子座α星〕 10. 【药学】海狸香 1. 蓖麻 2. (桌椅等的)脚轮 3. 海狸皮;海狸皮帽 4. 一种大衣呢 5. 〔俚语〕帽 6. (餐桌上的)调味瓶,调味瓶架子 7. 【动物;动物学】海狸 8. 【航海】(暴风雨时的)桅头电光 9. 【天文学】北河二〔双子座α星〕 10. 【药学】海狸香 |
n. | 1. a brown oily aromatic substance secreted from glands in a beaver's groin. 2. the second brightest star in the constellation Gemini 3. a hat made of beaver fur or imitation beaver fur 4. a heavy woolen cloth 5. a small wheel on a mount that allows it to turn in all directions, attached under the corners of heavy furniture and other objects to make them easier to move 6. a small container with a perforated top or open mouth for sprinkling sugar, salt, or other condiments 7. a small stand that holds condiment containers 1. a brown oily aromatic substance secreted from glands in a beaver's groin. 2. the second brightest star in the constellation Gemini 3. a hat made of beaver fur or imitation beaver fur 4. a heavy woolen cloth 5. a small wheel on a mount that allows it to turn in all directions, attached under the corners of heavy furniture and other objects to make them easier to move 6. a small container with a perforated top or open mouth for sprinkling sugar, salt, or other condiments 7. a small stand that holds condiment containers |