释义 |
- v.影响;侵袭;假装;使感染
- n.【心】情感;【数】偏差
- 网络感动;作用;感情
复数:affects 过去分词:affected 现在分词:affecting adv.+v. adversely affect,directly affect,significantly affect,greatly affect v.+n. affect health,affect Economy,affect development,affect way,affect stability v. influence,involve,shape,concern,change 1. | [oftpass] ~ sb/sth 影响to produce a change in sb/sth |
| How will these changes affect us? 这些变化对我们会有什么影响? | | Your opinion will not affect my decision. 你的意见不会影响我的决定。 | | The south of the country was worst affected by the drought. 该国南方旱情最严重。 |
2. | [oftpass] ~ sb/sth 侵袭;使感染to attack sb or a part of the body; to make sb become ill/sick |
| The condition affects one in five women. 每五个妇女就有一个人患有这种病。 | | Rub the cream into the affected areas. 把乳膏揉进患处。 |
3. | [oftpass] ~ sb (感情上)深深打动;使悲伤(或怜悯等)to make sb have strong feelings of sadness, pity, etc. |
| They were deeply affected by the news of her death. 她死亡的消息使他们唏嘘不已。 |
4. | ~ (to do) sth 假装to pretend to be feeling or thinking sth |
| She affected a calmness she did not feel. 她强装镇静。 |
5. | ~ sth 炫耀;做作地使用(或穿戴)to use or wear sth that is intended to impress other people |
| I wish he wouldn't affect that ridiculous accent. 但愿他别故意装出那种可笑的腔调。 |
v. | 1. to act upon or have an effect on somebody or something 2. to give the appearance or pretense of something 3. to adopt a use, style, or manner of doing something 4. to move somebody emotionally 5. to infect or harm somebody or something with disease 6. to imitate somebody else's style or character 7. to assume a particular form or state 8. to change or influence something. If something affects something else, it has an effect on it 9. to behave as if you feel something that you do not or as if you are a type of person that you are not 10. have an influence or impression on;act on 1. to act upon or have an effect on somebody or something 2. to give the appearance or pretense of something 3. to adopt a use, style, or manner of doing something 4. to move somebody emotionally 5. to infect or harm somebody or something with disease 6. to imitate somebody else's style or character 7. to assume a particular form or state 8. to change or influence something. If something affects something else, it has an effect on it 9. to behave as if you feel something that you do not or as if you are a type of person that you are not 10. have an influence or impression on;act on | n. | 1. an emotion or mood associated with an idea or action, or the external expression of such a feeling 2. an emotion that changes or influences what you do or think |