美 [kən'sɪstənt]
英 [kən'sɪstənt]
- adj.一致的;始终如一的;连续的;持续的
- 网络一致性;一贯的;前后一致的
1. | 一致的;始终如一的always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc. |
She's not very consistent in the way she treats her children. 她对待孩子反复无常。 | |
He has been Milan's most consistent(= most consistently good) player this season. 他是米兰队这个赛季状态最稳定的队员。 | |
We must be consistent in applying the rules. 我们在实施这些规则时必须保持一贯性。 | |
a consistent approach to the problem 解决问题的一贯方法 |
2. | 连续的;持续的happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time |
the party's consistent failure to come up with any new policies 这个政党长时间提不出任何新政策 | |
a pattern of consistent growth in the economy 经济持续增长的模式 |
3. | ~ with sth 与…一致的;相符的;符合的;不矛盾的in agreement with sth; not contradicting sth |
The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research. 这些结果与我们早些时候的研究完全吻合。 | |
injuries consistent with a fall from an upper storey(= similar to those such a fall would have caused) 和从楼上摔下来的情形相符合的伤处 |
4. | 相互连贯的having different parts that all agree with each other |
a well-thought-out and consistent argument 经过深思熟虑的、相互连贯的论点 |