美 [kə'roʊnə]
英 [kə'rəʊnə]
- n.华;日华
- 网络科罗娜;日冕;珂罗娜
n. | 1. 〔电〕电晕 2. 人体等的冠状部位 3. (古罗马授与立功战士的)花冠 4. 花冠牌雪茄烟 5. 光环 6. 日华 7. 头顶 8. 科罗娜〔女子名〕 9. 【天文学】(全蚀时的)日冕;【电学】电晕放电 10. 【植物;植物学】小冠,副冠;【解剖学】(齿等的)冠;【动物;动物学】(海胆的)谷;(轮虫的)轮盘;【建筑】花檐底板;(教堂的)圆形烛架 1. 〔电〕电晕 2. 人体等的冠状部位 3. (古罗马授与立功战士的)花冠 4. 花冠牌雪茄烟 5. 光环 6. 日华 7. 头顶 8. 科罗娜〔女子名〕 9. 【天文学】(全蚀时的)日冕;【电学】电晕放电 10. 【植物;植物学】小冠,副冠;【解剖学】(齿等的)冠;【动物;动物学】(海胆的)谷;(轮虫的)轮盘;【建筑】花檐底板;(教堂的)圆形烛架 |
n. | 1. a ring of light visible around a luminous body, especially the Moon, typically as a result of optical effects caused by thin cloud, water droplets, or ice in the Earth's atmosphere 2. the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere 3. the prominent, sometimes frilly lip of the petal tube or trumpet corolla of some flowers such as daffodils and narcissi. 4. the top of a part of the body, e.g. the crown of the head or a tooth 5. the flat vertical surface of a cornice just above the bottom surface 6. a long cigar with a blunt rounded mouth end 7. a circular hanging chandelier, especially in a church 8. the circle of light around the Sun or the Moon, seen especially during an eclipse 1. a ring of light visible around a luminous body, especially the Moon, typically as a result of optical effects caused by thin cloud, water droplets, or ice in the Earth's atmosphere 2. the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere 3. the prominent, sometimes frilly lip of the petal tube or trumpet corolla of some flowers such as daffodils and narcissi. 4. the top of a part of the body, e.g. the crown of the head or a tooth 5. the flat vertical surface of a cornice just above the bottom surface 6. a long cigar with a blunt rounded mouth end 7. a circular hanging chandelier, especially in a church 8. the circle of light around the Sun or the Moon, seen especially during an eclipse |
un. | 1. city in southern California, southwest of Riverside. |