释义 |
n. food,fare,cooking,gastronomy,cookery 2. | (通常指昂贵的餐馆中的)饭菜,菜肴the food served in a restaurant (usually an expensive one) |
| The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent cuisine. 这家旅馆的餐厅以美味佳肴闻名遐迩。 |
n. | 1. a style of cooking, especially one that is notable for high quality. 2. the range of food prepared by a restaurant, country, or person 3. a particular style of cooking food, especially the style of a particular country or region 4. the food you can eat in a particular place, especially a restaurant or hotel 1. a style of cooking, especially one that is notable for high quality. 2. the range of food prepared by a restaurant, country, or person 3. a particular style of cooking food, especially the style of a particular country or region 4. the food you can eat in a particular place, especially a restaurant or hotel |