释义 |
curtsying是curtsy的现在分词 curtsy美 ['kɜrtsi] 英 ['kɜː(r)tsi] 第三人称单数:curtsies 现在分词:curtsying 过去式:curtsied v. genuflect,bow,bob,kneel,stoop 1. | (女子行的)屈膝礼a formal sign made by a woman in a dance or to say hello or goodbye to an important person, by bending her knees with one foot in front of the other |
v. | 1. to bend the knees, with one foot behind the other, as a gesture of respect. 2. if a woman curtsies, she shows her respect for someone by bending her knees with one leg behind the other as a formal greeting | n. | 1. a movement made by a woman as a sign of respect for somebody in which she bends her knees with one foot behind the other |