释义 |
adj.+n. whole day,same day,special day,long day,busy day v.+n. come day,spend day,celebrate day,start day,mark day adj. diurnal,daytime,daylight n. daylight hours,date,day of the week,calendar day,time 1. | [c] 一天;一日a period of 24 hours |
| I saw Tom three days ago. 我三天前见过汤姆。 | | ‘What day is it today?’ ‘Monday.’ “今天星期几?”“星期一。” | | We're going away in a few days/in a few days' time . 我们过几天就要离开了。 | | They left the day before yesterday(= two days ago) . 他们前天就走了。 | | We're meeting the day after tomorrow(= in two days) . 我们后天要见面。 | | | | Take the medicine three times a day . 每日服药三次。 | | We can't go there today. You can go another day . 我们今天不能去那儿。你可以改天去。 |
2. | [u] 白昼;白天the time between when it becomes light in the morning and when it becomes dark in the evening |
| The sun was shining all day . 白天一直阳光明媚。 | | I could sit and watch the river all day long . 我可以整天坐在这里看那条河。 | | He works at night and sleeps during the day . 他晚上干活,白天睡觉。 | | Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night. 夜行动物白天睡觉晚上猎食。 |
3. | [c][ususing] 工作日;一天的活动时间the hours of the day when you are awake, working, etc. |
| a seven-hour working day 七小时工作日 | | It's been a long day(= I've been very busy) . 忙了一整天了。 | | Did you have a good day? 你这一天过得顺利吗? | | She didn't do a full day's work . 她并没干一整天的工作。 | | I took a half day off yesterday. 昨天我休假半天。 | | Have a nice day! 祝你度过愉快的一天! |
4. | [c][usupl] 时期;时代a particular period of time or history |
| in Queen Victoria's day 在维多利亚女王时代 | | the early days of computers 计算机早期阶段 | | Most women stayed at home in those days . 在那个时代大多数妇女都待在家里。 | | in the old days(= in the past) 早先 |
n. | 7. 戴伊(1.Thomas,1748-1789,英国作家;2.William Rufus,1849- 1923,美国政治家及法学家;3.Ben,1838-1916,美国印刷家;4.Clarence,1874-1935,美国作家;5.Doris,1924-,美国电影女演员,歌唱家) 7. 戴伊(1.Thomas,1748-1789,英国作家;2.William Rufus,1849- 1923,美国政治家及法学家;3.Ben,1838-1916,美国印刷家;4.Clarence,1874-1935,美国作家;5.Doris,1924-,美国电影女演员,歌唱家) | adj. | | adv. | |
n. | 1. a period of 24 hours, usually beginning and ending at midnight 2. the part of a 24-hour period when it is light, between sunrise and sunset 3. the part of a 24-hour period when somebody is working or active 4. a time or period of time in the past, present, or future 5. the time when a particular person or thing is well known, popular, successful, or effective 6. the time when a particular person or thing is active or in existence 7. a unit of time equal to the Earth's period of rotation about its axis, measured either relative to the Sun or the stars 8. the period of time in which a planet revolves once on its axis 9. one of the periods of time that a week is divided into, equal to 24 hours 10. the period of time when it is light outside 1. a period of 24 hours, usually beginning and ending at midnight 2. the part of a 24-hour period when it is light, between sunrise and sunset 3. the part of a 24-hour period when somebody is working or active 4. a time or period of time in the past, present, or future 5. the time when a particular person or thing is well known, popular, successful, or effective 6. the time when a particular person or thing is active or in existence 7. a unit of time equal to the Earth's period of rotation about its axis, measured either relative to the Sun or the stars 8. the period of time in which a planet revolves once on its axis 9. one of the periods of time that a week is divided into, equal to 24 hours 10. the period of time when it is light outside |