释义 |
deadlock美 ['ded.lɑk] 英 ['ded.lɒk] - n.僵局;僵持;相持不下;需用钥匙开关的门锁
- 网络死锁;死结;停顿
n. impasse,stalemate,gridlock,standstill,logjam 1. | [sing][u] 僵持;僵局;相持不下a complete failure to reach agreement or settle an argument |
| European agriculture ministers failed to break the deadlock over farm subsidies. 欧洲各国农业部长在农业补贴问题上未能打破僵局。 | | The strike appeared to have reached deadlock. 罢工好像已陷入僵局。 | | The strike has reached a deadlock. 罢工已陷入僵局。 |
2. | [c] 需用钥匙开关的门锁a type of lock on a door that needs a key to open or close it |
n. | 1. in sports, a tied score 2. a situation in which no further progress is possible in a dispute, usually because the people involved are unwilling to change their positions or to compromise 4. a lock that can only be opened or closed with a key 5. a situation in which neither person or group involved in a disagreement is willing to change their opinions or position 6. a lock that closes with a small metal bar when you turn a key or handle 7. a draw in a game or competition 1. in sports, a tied score 2. a situation in which no further progress is possible in a dispute, usually because the people involved are unwilling to change their positions or to compromise 4. a lock that can only be opened or closed with a key 5. a situation in which neither person or group involved in a disagreement is willing to change their opinions or position 6. a lock that closes with a small metal bar when you turn a key or handle 7. a draw in a game or competition |