释义 |
default美 [dɪ'fɔ:lt] 英 [dɪ'fɔ:lt] - n.违约;拖欠;缺席;缺陷
- v.违约;拖欠;缺乏;不履行
- 网络默认;缺省;默认值
现在分词:defaulting 过去式:defaulted 第三人称单数:defaults n. avoidance,defaulting,evasion,nonappearance,nonattendance v. dodge,duck,duck out,evade,fail to pay 1. | [u][c] 违约(尤指未偿付债务)failure to do sth that must be done by law, especially paying a debt |
| The company is in default on the loan. 这家公司拖欠借款。 | | Mortgage defaults have risen in the last year. 按揭借款违约在近一年里呈上升趋势。 |
2. | [u][c][ususing] 默认;系统设定值;缺省值;预置值what happens or appears if you do not make any other choice or change |
| The default option is to save your work every five minutes. 默认设置为每五分钟存盘一次。 | | On this screen, 256 colours is the default. 这个显示屏的系统设定值是 256 色。 |
IDM by default (比赛)因其他参赛者不到场,由于对手缺席(而胜出)a game or competition can be wonby default if there are no other people, teams, etc. taking part 由于没有特别作出决定(或选择)if sth happensby default , it happens because you have not made any other decision or choices which would make things happen in a different way | They accepted what he had said in default of any evidence to disprove it. 由于缺乏相反的证据,他们相信了他的话。 |
in default of sth 由于缺乏…;因为没有…because of a lack of sth | They accepted what he had said in default of any evidence to disprove it. 由于缺乏相反的证据,他们相信了他的话。 |
1. | [i] ~ (on sth) 违约,不履行义务(尤指不偿还债务)to fail to do sth that you legally have to do, especially by not paying a debt |
| to default on a loan/debt 拖欠借款╱债务 | | defaulting borrowers/tenants 不偿还债务的借款人;拖欠租金的承租人 |
2. | [i] ~ (to sth) 默认;预设;预置to happen when you do not make any other choice or change |
v. | 1. to fail to pay a debt or other financial obligation 2. to fail to make an appearance in court although summoned to do so 3. to fail to appear for a match or contest 4. to use a device, command, or file when no other is specified 5. to fail to pay money that you owe 6. to fail to appear in a court of law when you have been ordered to 7. to fail to take part in a game or competition when you have agreed to 1. to fail to pay a debt or other financial obligation 2. to fail to make an appearance in court although summoned to do so 3. to fail to appear for a match or contest 4. to use a device, command, or file when no other is specified 5. to fail to pay money that you owe 6. to fail to appear in a court of law when you have been ordered to 7. to fail to take part in a game or competition when you have agreed to | n. | 1. an option that will automatically be selected by a computer if the user does not choose one 2. a failure to meet an obligation, especially a financial one 3. a failure to make a summoned court appearance 4. a failure to appear for or complete a competition 5. the way that something will appear or be done if you make no other choice, especially on a computer 1. an option that will automatically be selected by a computer if the user does not choose one 2. a failure to meet an obligation, especially a financial one 3. a failure to make a summoned court appearance 4. a failure to appear for or complete a competition 5. the way that something will appear or be done if you make no other choice, especially on a computer |