释义 |
第三人称单数:detours 现在分词:detouring 过去式:detoured n. alternative route,bypass,deviation,diversion,indirect route 1. | 绕行的路;迂回路;兜圈子a longer route that you take in order to avoid a problem or to visit a place |
| We had to make a detour around the flooded fields. 我们只得绕道避开被洪水淹没的田野。 | | It's well worth making a detour to see the village. 绕道去参观一下这村子很是值得。 |
2. | 临时绕行路;临时支路a road or route that is used when the usual one is closed |
1. | [i][t] ~ (sb/sth) (to…) (使)绕道,绕行to take a longer route in order to avoid a problem or to visit a place; to make sb/sth take a longer route |
| The President detoured to Chicago for a special meeting. 总统绕道到芝加哥参加一个特别会议。 |
v. | 1. to go from one place to another by a way that is not the shortest or usual way, mainly used in American English | n. | 1. a deviation from a direct, expected, or previously decided course of action |