释义 |
- n.轻松的事;不费力的事
- v.(尤指在不舒适或简陋的地方)睡觉;混时间
- 网络德士;万德仕;睡床
第三人称单数:dosses 现在分词:dossing 过去分词:dossed n. sleep,snooze,nap,forty winks,catnap v. crash,bed down,kip,lie down 1. | [i] ~ (down) (尤指在不舒适或简陋的地方)睡觉,过夜to sleep somewhere, especially somewhere uncomfortable or without a real bed |
| You can doss down on my floor. 你可以在我的地板上睡。 |
2. | [i] ~ (about/around) 混时间to spend your time not doing very much |
| We were just dossing about in lessons today. 今天我们只是在课堂上混时间。 |
1. | 轻松的事;不费力的事something that does not need much effort |
v. | 1. to sleep or settle down to sleep, especially on an improvised bed 2. to spend time doing nothing 3. to spend the night somewhere where you do not normally sleep, especially on a chair or the floor | n. | 1. a bed for the night or a place to sleep, especially a makeshift one or one in a dosshouse 3. an easy job or activity |