美 [ˈeləfənt]
英 [ˈɛlifənt]
- n.象;【动】大象;〈比喻〉体积庞大的人或物;(美国)共和党的象征
- 网络小象;大象吹泡泡;枪象
1. | 象a very large animal with thick grey skin, large ears, two curved outer teeth called tusks and a long nose called a trunk . There are two types of elephant , the African and the Asian. |
herds of elephants/elephant herds 象群 | |
a baby elephant 幼象 |
The elephant in the room was the money that had to be paid in bribes. 难题明摆着,就是要付贿款。 |
the elephant in the room
明摆着的难题;众所周知却避而不谈的事a problem or question that everyone knows about but does not mention because it is easier not to discuss it
The elephant in the room was the money that had to be paid in bribes. 难题明摆着,就是要付贿款。 |