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affine affine connection affine coordinates affined affine deformation
affine geometry affine group affine plane affiner affines
affine space affine strain affine transformation affine transformations Affing
affinities affinity affinity card affinity cards affinity chromatography
affinity constant affinity credit card affinity group affinity labeling affinity marketing
affinity partitioning affinity study affirm affirmable affirmably
affirmance affirmant affirmation affirmations affirmative
affirmative action affirmative-action affirmative actions affirmative defense affirmative flag
affirmatively affirmatives affirmatory affirmed affirmer
affirming affirms affix affixal affixation
affixed affixing affix one's seal affix one's signature affix to
affixture affixtures afflated afflatus afflatuses
afflict afflicted afflicted areas afflicted with afflicting
affliction afflictions afflictive afflicts afflight
affluence affluent affluentials affluently affluents
affluent society affluenza afflux afforce afforcement
afford affordability affordability index affordable afforded
affording afford on opportunity affords afforest afforestation
afforested afforesting afforests affranchise affranchised
affranchises affranchising affray affrays affreight
affreighter affreightment affreights affricate affricated
affricates affricating affrication affricative affricatives
affright affrighted affrighting affrights affront
affronted affronter affronting affrontive affronts
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