标题 | 关于描述法律法制的经典英语警句 |
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关于描述法律法制的经典英语警句向我们介绍了法律是什么,我们该如何看待法律,除此之外,介绍了法律的在社会上的功能,我们常常说依法治国,这里的法指的就是“法律”“法制”,只有一个健全的法律体制,我们才能够有更加和谐的社会环境。 1、法律只不过是我们意志的记录。 Law is just a record of our will. 2、真相无所惧,唯怕被隐瞒。 The truth not fear, only afraid of concealment. 3、举证之所在,败诉之所在。 The proof, the losing. 4、法律是你的黎明,而不是你的黄昏。 Law is the dawn you, not your evening. 5、法律是为了保护无辜而制定的。 Law is designed to protect the innocent. 6、良好的秩序是一切的基础。 Good order is the foundation of all things. 7、法律旨在防止强势者为所欲为。 Laws are made to prevent a strong person to do everything. 8、荣耀所禁止的法律却往往应允。 Glory prohibited by law but often answered. 9、法官的人格是正义的最终屏障。 The judge's personality is the final barrier of justice. 10、人民的愉悦是至高无个的法。 The pleasure of the people is the highest without a method. 11、我们应当记住法律永远是非卖品。 We should remember the law always is not for sale. 12、宪法就是一张写着人民权利的纸。 The constitution is a piece of paper written on the rights of the people. 13、绊人的桩不在高,违法的事不在小。 Tripping of the pile is not high, illegal is not small. 14、法律如果不被人们所信仰,它就是一纸空文。 If not faith by people, it is a dead letter. 15、不遵守规章制度,不能自由。 Don't follow the rules and regulations, not free. 16、人类受制于法律,法律受制于情理。 Human subject to the law, the law is subject to reasonable. 17、有此上士,则必天网恢恢,疏而不漏! There are the staff sergeant, will the mills of god grind slowly! 18、当你行使权力时,请别忘了人民的重托。 When you exercise of power, please don't forget the great trust of the people. 19、法者,所以禁民为非而使其迁善远罪也。 Legislators, so ban people for not make its move far from sin. 20、法通国脉千秋稳,律顺民心九域兴。 Method the whole kingdom of arteries and veins and consent, law of shun xing and nine domain. 21、法令者,治之具,而非制治清浊之源也。 Law, rule, rather than the source of governance QingZhuo also. 22、人民法官一生清廉,决不妄取非分之财。 People judge life clean, never WangQu of wealth. 23、只有在人民中活着的法才是唯一合理的法。 Only in the people's living method is the only reasonable method. 24、法律存在于另一个世界,但它自认为它是整个世界。 Law exists in another world, but it think it is the whole world. 25、人类法律,事物有规律,这是不容忽视的。 Human law, regular things, this is not allow to ignore. 26、石以砥焉,化钝为利;法以砥焉,化愚为智。 How, stone to strop blunt for profit; Method in a strop how foolish to think. 27、肩负天平公正为天职,头顶国徽廉洁乃权威。 The national emblem on justice is the first duty of a scale, head clean is authority. 28、在民法慈母般的眼神中,每个人就是整个国家。 In civil law in the motherly eyes, every man is the whole country. 29、法官从业行为规范:公正、廉洁、文明、高效。 The judge professional code of conduct, justice, integrity, civilized and efficient. 30、法律规定得愈明确,其条文就愈容易切实地施行。 The clear legal provisions, the provisions is actually implemented easily. 31、人民法官应该时刻牢记自己所载负着的荣耀与尊严。 People judge should always remember their negative contained the glory and dignity. 32、不得为了公共利益而无原则地牺牲个人自由。 Not for the sake of public interests and the readiness to sacrifice personal freedom. 33、法律解释者都希望在法律中寻获其时代问题的答案。 Legal interpretation is all hope to found its times the answer to the question in the law. 34、宪法创制者给咱们的是一个罗盘,而不是一张蓝图。 The constitution created for us is a compass, rather than a blueprint. 35、法律乃最高的理性,为自然所固有,规定着当为与不当为。 Law is supreme rational for the inherent nature, rules on when to and for. 36、遵纪守法利国利民利他人,违纪违法害己害家害子女。 Law-abiding reasonably and others, violations of affliction harm to family children. 37、法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的。 The law cannot make all men equal, but everyone is equal before the law. 38、法律之目的不是废除或限制自由,而是保护和扩大自由。 The purpose of law is not abolish or limitation of freedom, but to protect and enlarge freedom. 39、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就象影子跟随着身体一样。 The force of law should follow the citizen, like a shadow along with the body. 40、法律的真谛,就是没有绝对的自由,更没有绝对的平等。 The true meaning of the law, is that there is no absolute freedom, more no absolute equality. 41、当你被侵犯的时候,只有一个会保护你,那就是——法律。 When you been infringed, only one will protect you, that is, the law. 42、法者,天下之仪也。所以决疑而明是非也,百姓所县命也。 And the instrument of legislators, the world. So never doubt and bright dispute, county people life also. 43、以公正的逻辑代替武力的逻辑是法律本质的全部所在。 Logic instead of force with justice is the logic of the nature of law is all about. 44、用道德的示范来造就一个人,显然比用法律来约束他更有价值。 To make a person with moral demonstration, apparently more valuable than using law to restrain him. 45、真想解除一国的内忧应该依靠良好的立法,不能依靠偶然的机会。 Really want to remove a country's domestic legislation should rely on the good, can't rely on chance. 46、宪法是一个无穷尽的、一个国家的世代人都参与对话的流动的话语。 The constitution is a endless, generations of people of one country to participate in the dialogue flow of words. 47、法律的制订是为了惩罚人类的凶恶背谬,所以法律本身必须最为纯洁无垢。 The process of making the law is to punish evil human absurd, so the law itself must be the most pure without scale. 48、法律是人类社会实践智慧的结晶,是为了维护人类正义道德和利益而制定的。 Law is the crystallization of the wisdom of human social practice, it is designed to maintain human moral justice and interests. |
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