标题 | 写给拖延症患者的英语励志名言警句 |
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拖延症患者在我们的身边比比皆是,很有可能您的好友或者您自己就是拖延症部队里的“军官”,那么如何才能治好拖延症呢,下面为大家准备了写给拖延症患者的英语励志名言警句,心动不如行动,每一次的一小步,到最后都是别人追不上的一大步。![]() 1、人必须要有耐心,特别是要有信心。 Man must have patience, especially confidence. 2、相信他说的话,但不要当真。 Believe him, but don't take it seriously. 3、只要有斗志,不怕没战场。 As long as there is spirit, not afraid of no battlefield. 4、暗自伤心,不如立即行动。 Secretly sad, not equal to act immediately. 5、成功,往往住在失败的隔壁! Success and failure often live in the next door! 6、成功这件事,自己才是老板! Success in this matter, is our boss! 7、青春一经典当即永不再赎。 Youth is a classics never redeem again. 8、再多一点努力,就多一点成功。 A little more effort, just a little more success. 9、不同的信念,决定不同的命运! Different beliefs, decide the fate of the different! 10、立志难也,不在胜人,在自胜。 Aspire to difficult, also not in strength, in the win. 11、心灵激情不在,就可能被打败。 Passion is not in your heart, even may be defeated. 12、宁可辛苦一阵子,不要苦一辈子。 Would rather hard for a while, don't be bitter for a lifetime. 13、除非想成为一流,否则就是二流。 Unless you want to become a first-class, is the second. 14、随随便便浪费的时间,再也不能赢回来。 Just a waste of time, can't win back. 15、为成功找方法,不为失败找借口。 To find methods for success, not to find excuses for failure. 16、话多不如话少,话少不如话好。 Words more than words, words less than good words. 17、当你停止尝试时,就是失败的时候。 When you stop trying, is the time to failure. 18、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 The angry is that taking the other's mistake to punish oneself. 19、先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你。 Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you. 20、人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 People always get to treasure, and forgotten. 21、生活不相信眼泪,眼泪并不代表软弱。 Life doesn't believe in tears, tears does not mean weakness. 22、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。 Turn your face to the sunshine, that there will be no shadow. 23、如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业。 If your heart is like the sea, and how can sea the same cause. 24、最困难的时候,就是距离成功不远了。 The most difficult times, is the distance not far from success. 25、生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。 Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass themselves. 26、不要忘本,任何时候,任何事情。 Don't be ungrateful, at any time, any things. 27、要纠正别人之前,先反省自己有没有犯错。 Before correcting others, meditate on yourself whether you make mistake first. 28、一定要有自信的勇气,才会有工作的勇气。 Must have confidence in the courage, just can have the courage to work. 29、自己选择的路,跪着也要把它走完。 Your choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it. 30、成功都永远不会言弃,放弃者永远不会成功。 Success is never give up, give up will never succeed. 31、流过泪的眼睛更明亮,滴过血的心灵更坚强! Tears eyes more bright, drop of blood the heart more strong! 32、成功不是凭梦想和希望,而是凭努力和实践。 Success is not by dreams and hopes, but with effort and practice. 33、有信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇。 Confident person, can be small to great, mediocre to magic. 34、不要为它的结束而哭,应当为它的开始而笑。 Don't cry for it came to an end, smile because it began. 35、人不怕走在黑夜里,就怕心中没有阳光。 People are not afraid to walk in the dark, he was afraid of his heart without sunshine. 36、自尊不是轻人,自信不是自满,独立不是孤立。 Self-esteem is not young people, confidence is not complacent, independence is not isolated. 37、命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中。 Fate as hand palmprint, no matter how twists and turns, in our own hands. 38、得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们。 Should treat others kindly when being proud, because you need them when you down. 39、才华是血汗的结晶。才华是刀刃,辛苦是磨刀石。 Talent is the crystallization of sweat. Talent is the blade, hard work is a grindstone. 40、不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。 No worries about the ambiguous future, just to clear now. 41、当世界给草籽重压时,它总会用自己的方法破土而出。 When the world to seed weight, it will break out in their own way. 42、精彩的人生总有精彩的理由,笑到最后的才会笑得最甜。 Wonderful life there are always wonderful reason, he who laughs last laugh the most sweet. 43、不向前走,不知路远;不努力学习,不明白真理。 Don't go, don't know road far. Don't study hard, don't know the truth. 44、人生最大的喜悦是每个人都说你做不到,你却完成它了! The greatest joy of life is everyone says you can't do that, you have done it! 45、没有音乐,生活是一种遗憾,没有爱心,生命是一种多佘。 Without music, life is a kind of regret, there is no love, life is a kind of measure. 46、逃避不一定躲得过,面对不一定难受。转身不一定最软弱。 Escape doesn't hide too, facing is not necessarily bad. Turn round and not necessarily the most weak. 47、用爱生活,你会使自己幸福!用爱工作,你会使很多人幸福! Life with love, you can make yourself happy! Work with love, you can make a lot of people happy! 48、智者总是有成功的密码,能译出密码的人,心是成功的智者。 A wise man always has a successful password, who can give the password, the heart is the wise men of success. 49、有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在,而是敢面对恐惧、克服恐惧。 It doesn't mean the inexistence of fear if have courage, but dare facing to fear, to overcome the fear. |
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