标题 | 关于铭记历史的英语名言警句 |
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一部历史记载着一个民族、一个国家、一个地区的传记,历史上的人物、历史上的故事都是人类发展长河里的重要组成部分,关于铭记历史的英语名言警句,就通过各种名言为您介绍了什么是历史、历史的意义是什么。![]() 历史就是一部不知道开头,也没有结尾的传记,记录这这个世界发生的一切,历史只会对过去的事情加以记录,通过记录我们积累了经验、教训,也积累了学识、智慧,让历史在在时间的长河中不断的前进。 1、历史是胜利者的宣传。 History is the winner. 2、历史不会留下一事无成者的闲言碎语。 History does not leave nothing gossip. 3、历史不过是追求着自己目的的人的活动而已。 History is the pursuit of his purpose of human activity. 4、历史是无数传记的精华。 History is the essence of innumerable biographies. 5、那不是历史的必然,而是有人创造了历史。 It is not historically inevitable, but someone made history. 6、究竟是我摆脱了历史,还是被历史遗弃了呢? Whether I get rid of the history, or was abandoned by history? 7、历史一共就两页,一页沧海,一页桑田。 History only have two pages, one page of the sea, one page. 8、历史虽然会一再重演,但人类却无法回到过去。 History will repeat itself again and again, but humans can't return to the past. 9、历史给我们的最好的东西就是它所激起的热情。 History gives us the best thing is it's enthusiasm. 10、历史不会记住细节的,从来历史只记得胜利者。 History does not remember details, history never remember only the winner. 11、历史一共就两页,一页沧海,一页桑田。 History only have two pages, one page of the sea, one page. 12、历史是知识分子文化活动的结果。 History is the result of intellectual and cultural activities. 13、历史对事业的是否崇高,是以它的结果来评定的。 History to whether lofty career, was to assess its results. 14、把历史变为我们自己的,我们遂从历史进入永恒。 The history into our own, we hence from history into eternity. 15、历史有自己的生命,它就像一个人,既随和又自尊。 History has its own life, it is like a person, is easy-going and self-esteem. 16、历史只倚靠事实来做说明,而从来不倚靠任何推想。 History only trust in fact to do that, but never trust in any reason. 17、写历史的墨水只不过是流体的偏见而已。 The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice. 18、但历史就是这样,有时候人造历史,有时候历史造人。 But history is like this, sometimes artificial history, history made man sometimes. 19、历史的第一页是从互相猜忌、搞阴谋和耍手腕开始的。 History of the first page from mutual suspicion and began to plot and plot the wrist. 20、如果了解历史,就可以在头脑中体会到永恒时光的重量。 If know history, you can realize the weight of the eternal time in your mind. 21、真正的英雄,即使历史不会记忆,他依旧笑著逆天而行。 The real heroes, even if not historical memory, he is still playing god with a smile. 22、历史并没有真正的科学价值,它的唯一目的乃是教育别人。 History and no real scientific value, its sole purpose is the education of others. 23、历史著作有开始也有结束,但它们描写的事件却并不如此。 History works have started to have ended, but they are not so description of events. 24、历史总有不为人知的一面,除了逝去的人,没人说的是对的! History is always unknown side, in addition to the dead person, no one said is right! 25、这个世界上重大事件的历史只不过是犯罪的历史而已。 The history of the great events of this world is scarcely more than the history of crimes. 26、历史的经验教训告诉我们,人们不会从历史的经验中吸取教训。 Historical experience and lessons tell us that people would not draw lessons from the historical experience. 27、历史不时表现为一团乌七八糟的偶然事件,像急转的洪流一样。 History from time to time is a filthy racket accident, like a sharp turn in the torrent. 28、历史是一出没有结局的戏。每个结局都是这出戏的新情节的开始。 History is a play without end. Every ending is the beginning of the new plot of the play. 29、什么是历史?我们为什么要学习历史?因为历史会成为后世的智慧。 What is history? Why should we study history? Because history will be the wisdom of the later generations. 30、死亡面前,再辉煌的成就,再悠久的历史,都变得如此脆弱。 Before death, brilliant achievements, then a long history, has become so fragile. 31、人类从历史学到的唯一的教训,就是人类没有从历史中吸取任何教训。 There is only one lesson, from history to human human not learn anything from history. 32、历史是人的足迹。但并不是所有留下足迹的人都敢于正视自己的历史。 History is the footprint. But not all footprint dared to face up to their own history. 33、所谓站在历史的转折点,真正的意义是,其中有一方的历史将从此消失。 The so-called stand in the turning point of history, the real meaning is, the history of one party will disappear. 34、历史是时代的见证,真理的火炬,记忆的生命,生活的老师和古人的使者。 History is the witness of The Times, the torch of truth, the life of the memory, life of teachers and the angel of the ancients. 35、竞争优势的秘密是创新,这在现在比历史上的任何时候都更是如此。 Innovation is the secret of the competitive advantage that now than at any time in history. 36、路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 Road is stepped out, history is written. Every step of man is writing his own history. 37、从历史上看,死抱住僵化的观点不放是绝对无法砸断锁链或解放人类灵魂的。 Historically, dead dwelling on rigid view is absolutely can't hit a broken chains or liberation of the human soul. 38、历史有三种不同的任务,我们可以称为科学的、想象的或推测的和文学的。 History has three different tasks, we can be called scientific, imagination or speculation and literature. 39、该谁的罪谁认,如果你不想认,历史也会帮你认。正义有时会迟到,但绝不会缺席。 The who SINS who recognize, if you don't want to recognize, history will also help you to recognize. Justice will be late sometimes, but never miss. 40、人生的血战,前行的历史,正如煤的形成,当时用大量的木材,结果却是一小块煤。 The history of a bloody battle in life, move on, as the formation of coal, with plenty of wood at that time, the result is a small lump coal. 41、很少有人能够改变历史本身,但我们每个人都能努力改变一小部分事件,而且总的来说,所有这些行为都将被书写成这一代人的历史。 Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation. |
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