标题 | 有关文明出行的英语标语条幅 |
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随着家用轿车的普及,交通安全已经成为了一个重要的安全课题,这就要求我们平时要文明出行,其中有关文明出行的英语标语条幅,是为了能够时刻提醒大家注意文明出行,礼让斑马线,让交通更加顺畅,让人身更加安全。 有关文明出行的英语标语条幅 1.文明行路路畅通,平安回家家温馨。 Civilization on the road smooth,safe home sweet home. 2.大家小家是一家,交通安全靠大家。 Your home is a,traffic safety depends on everybody. 3.十次事故九次快,谁不相信谁受害。 Ten times accident nine times faster,who does not believe who suffer. 4.人不斜穿,不车越线。 People are not inclined to wear,don't cross the line. 5.道路交通安全法,伴您平安万里行。 Road traffic safety,with your safe journey. 6.你对违章讲人情,事故对你不留情。 You speak to violate the rules and regulations,accident no mercy for you. 7.红灯,绿灯,灯灯是令;弯道,直道,道道小心。 A red light,green light,light the lamp is made;Straight,bend,be careful. 8.一人安危系全家,全家幸福系一人。 One family safety department,the whole family happiness is a person. 9.处罚违章不留情,看似无情最深情。 Illegal punishment not mercy,seemingly heartless most affectionate. 10.爱妻爱子爱家庭,无视交规等于零。 The wife son love the family,ignored the traffic rules is equal to zero. 11.一看二慢三通过,麻痹大意闯大祸。 A look through the slow,degree of disaster. 12.酒后驾车者,医院给你开好了房间。 Drunk drivers,the hospital good give you the room. 13.快一点危险丛生,缓一秒风平浪静。 Hurry up dangerous clumps,delay one second is calm. 14.实线虚线斑马线,都是生命安全线。 A zebra crossing,solid line dotted line is life safety. 15.安安安全出车去,平平安安回家来。 In safety of the car,come home safely. 16.骑车请戴安全帽,流汗总比流血好。 Cycling,please wear safety helmet,sweat is better than bleeding. 17.开车多一分小心,家人多十分安心。 Drive more carefully,family is more at ease. 18.交通法规记心中,人身安全在手中。 Personal safety traffic rules to remember in heart,in his hand. 19.交通安全进万家,出入平安你我他。 Traffic safety into the thousands,in and out of peace you I him. 20.严是爱,松是害,出了事故坑后代。 Strict is the love,the pine is hurt,out of the pit accident. 21.人在路中守交规,法在心中路畅通。 People obey traffic rules in the road,in heart road unimpeded. 22.要想车祸不上身,交通法规牢记深。 To don't think car accident,the traffic regulations,deep in mind. 23.心头常亮红绿灯,安全行驶伴人生。 Normally on heart lights,safety travel companion in life. 24.树立现代交通意识,养成良好交通习惯。 25.Set up the consciousness of modern transportation,to form a good habit of traffic. 26.路好车好安全最好,慢行快行平安就行。 Good road car safety is best,slow fast line of peace. 27.跨入校园,好好学习;走出校门,好好走路。 Enter the campus and study well;Out of the school,a good walk. 28.守交规迎春夏秋冬福,保安全纳东西南北财。 Shame to meet spring,summer,autumn and winter,safe,the thing north and south. 29.眼睛中藏不住一粒沙子,开车时来不得半点马虎。 Eyes filled not a grain of sand,and shall be careless when driving. 30.良药苦口利于病,交通法规利于行。 Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth,the traffic regulations for line. 31.行人过路要小心,提前准备防万一。 Pedestrian crossing to be careful,ready to prevent one thousand ahead of schedule. 有关文明出行的英语标语条幅就为您介绍到这,下面是“文明出行我先行”倡议书。 共建文明整洁和谐的环境秩序,是每一位市民应尽的义务和责任。在我区开展文明出行专项行动之际,特向广大市民发出如下倡议: 一、文明开车,礼让行人,不超速、不超载、不随意变道,不乱停乱放、不逆向行驶,不向车外扔杂物。 二、文明行路,不闯红灯,不乱穿马路,不在机动车道内行走、候车,不翻越交通护栏。 三、文明乘车,做到文明礼让、排队侯车、依次上车、前门上车、后门下车,乘车时不抢座位,主动为老、弱、病、残、孕及怀抱婴儿者让座。 四、文明游赏,不在景点景区、公园广场、主次干道、生活小区、机场车站、文体场馆等公共场所大声喧哗、乱扔垃圾,不随地吐痰。 让我们共同努力,自觉做到文明出行,积极参与文明出行宣传劝导活动,影响带动家人、朋友注意交通安全、爱护环境,做文明出行的倡导者、实践者和推动者。 |
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