释义 |
giant美 ['dʒaɪənt] 英 ['dʒaɪənt] - n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;(故事中常为残酷而愚蠢的)巨人
- adj.巨大的;特大的;伟大的
- 网络捷安特;巨人传;巨大机械
adj.+n. giant company,giant scheme,giant plant,giant corporation,giant statue n. colossus,titan,leviathan,behemoth,ogre 1. | (故事中常为残酷而愚蠢的)巨人(in stories) a very large strong person who is often cruel and stupid |
2. | 巨人;巨兽;巨型植物an unusually large person, animal or plant |
| He's a giant of a man. 他是个巨人。 |
3. | 大公司;强大的组织a very large and powerful organization |
| the multinational oil giants 跨国大石油公司 |
4. | 伟人;卓越人物a person who is very good at sth |
1. | [obn] 巨大的;特大的;伟大的very large; much larger or more important than similar things usually are |
| | | a giant-size box of tissues 一特大盒纸巾 | | a giant step towards achieving independence 朝着独立迈出的巨大的一步 |
n. | 1. in fairy tales and legends, an imaginary being who resembles a human but is much taller, larger, and stronger 2. somebody whose talents or achievements are particularly outstanding 3. a person, animal, plant, or organization that is much larger than is usual 4. in Greek mythology, a being of immense size and strength who fought against Zeus and the other gods of Mount Olympus 5. a very large and successful company 6. an imaginary person in stories, who is extremely tall, strong, and often evil 1. in fairy tales and legends, an imaginary being who resembles a human but is much taller, larger, and stronger 2. somebody whose talents or achievements are particularly outstanding 3. a person, animal, plant, or organization that is much larger than is usual 4. in Greek mythology, a being of immense size and strength who fought against Zeus and the other gods of Mount Olympus 5. a very large and successful company 6. an imaginary person in stories, who is extremely tall, strong, and often evil | adj. | 1. taller, larger, or more powerful than is usual 2. greater than the usual number or amount |