释义 |
- na.〈口〉【无线】联播;用钩子钩住;【机械工程】接上
- 网络接线图;电路耦合;试验线路
n. | 1. 〔工〕挂钩;悬挂(联结)装置;联结器;电路耦合;中继电台连锁;转播;联播电台;线路(接线,接续)图 1. 〔工〕挂钩;悬挂(联结)装置;联结器;电路耦合;中继电台连锁;转播;联播电台;线路(接线,接续)图 |
n. | 1. a connection allowing a user access to a utility such as electricity, gas, or water 2. a number of items of electronic equipment designed to operate together 3. an alliance between people, groups, or things, especially an unlikely one 4. in offshore big game fishing, an act of catching a fish on the end of the line 5. a connection between two electrical systems or pieces of equipment 1. a connection allowing a user access to a utility such as electricity, gas, or water 2. a number of items of electronic equipment designed to operate together 3. an alliance between people, groups, or things, especially an unlikely one 4. in offshore big game fishing, an act of catching a fish on the end of the line 5. a connection between two electrical systems or pieces of equipment |