释义 |
- n.住宅;套;住房供给
- v.“house”的现在分词
- 网络外壳;房屋;壳体
adj.+n. affordable housing,temporary housing,inadequate housing,decent housing,substandard housing v.+n. provide housing,include housing n. accommodation,lodging,shelter,board,home 1. | [u] (统称,尤指住房类型、价格、条件)住房,住宅houses, flats/apartments, etc. that people live in, especially when referring to their type, price or condition |
| public/private housing 公共╱私人住房 | | poor housing conditions 恶劣的居住条件 | | | | the housing market(= the activity of buying and selling houses, etc.) 住房市场 |
2. | [u] 住房供给the job of providing houses, flats/apartments, etc. for people to live in |
| the housing department 住房建设部门 | | the council's housing policy 市政住房政策 |
3. | [c] (机器的)外壳,套a hard cover that protects part of a machine |
| a car's rear axle housing 汽车的后轴套 |
n. | 1. a piece of cloth that covers the back of a horse, used for protection or decoration 2. the ornamental trappings for a horse 3. a slot, groove, or hole in one piece of wood into which another piece is inserted 4. the portion of a mast that is below the deck 5. houses and other buildings where people live, considered collectively 6. the provision of places to live 7. a frame or structure that protects part of a machine 8. a small recess or hollow in which a statue can be placed 9. a container or cover for something such as a moving part of a machine 1. a piece of cloth that covers the back of a horse, used for protection or decoration 2. the ornamental trappings for a horse 3. a slot, groove, or hole in one piece of wood into which another piece is inserted 4. the portion of a mast that is below the deck 5. houses and other buildings where people live, considered collectively 6. the provision of places to live 7. a frame or structure that protects part of a machine 8. a small recess or hollow in which a statue can be placed 9. a container or cover for something such as a moving part of a machine |