美 [nɪr]
- adv.近;将近;节省地
- prep.靠近;在…身边
- v.靠近
- adj.近的;近亲的;关系深的;近似的
- 网络在……附近;接近;在……旁边
比较级:nearer 最高级:nearest
1. | 距离近;不远a short distance away |
His house is very near. 他的房子就在附近。 | |
Where's the nearest bank? 最近的银行在哪儿? |
2. | 不久以后a short time away in the future |
The conflict is unlikely to be resolved in the near future(= very soon) . 冲突短期内不大可能解决。 |
3. | 随后;接近coming next after sb/sth |
She has a 12-point lead over her nearest rival. 她领先紧随其后的对手 12 分。 |
4. | 近似;相似;不分伯仲similar; most similar |
He was the nearest thing to(= the person most like) a father she had ever had. 她接触过的人中,他最像个父亲。 |
5. | [obn] 接近的;差不多的close to being sb/sth |
The election proved to be a near disaster for the party. 这次选举对该党来说几乎是一场灾难。 | |
a near impossibility 几乎不可能的事 |
6. | ~ relative/relation (亲属关系)近亲used to describe a close family connection |
Only the nearest relatives were present at the funeral. 只有几位近亲参加了葬礼。 |
your nearest and dearest
至亲;至爱;最亲密的亲友your close family and friends
Phew! That was a near thing! It could have been a disaster. 哎呀!好险哪!差一点儿出事。 | |
We won in the end but it was a near thing. 我们最后赢了,但是险胜。 |
a near thing
侥幸做成的事a situation in which you are successful, but which could also have ended badly
Phew! That was a near thing! It could have been a disaster. 哎呀!好险哪!差一点儿出事。 | |
We won in the end but it was a near thing. 我们最后赢了,但是险胜。 |
We calculated the cost to the nearest 50 dollars. 我们计算费用约为 50 元。 |
to the nearest…
近似于;约等于followed by a number when counting or measuring approximately
We calculated the cost to the nearest 50 dollars. 我们计算费用约为 50 元。 |
1. | 距离不远;在附近at a short distance away |
A bomb exploded somewhere near. 一颗炸弹在附近爆炸。 | |
She took a step nearer. 她走近一步。 | |
Visitors came from near and far . 游客来自四面八方。 |
2. | 不久以后a short time away in the future |
The exams are drawing near . 考试越来越近了。 |
3. | 几乎;差不多almost |
a near-perfect performance 近乎完美的表演 | |
I'm as near certain as can be. 我几乎完全可以确定。 |
There were about 3 000 people there, as near as I could judge. 据我判断,大约有 3 000 人在那里。 |
as near as
准确到…的程度;大约as accurately as
There were about 3 000 people there, as near as I could judge. 据我判断,大约有 3 000 人在那里。 |
It will cost £350, or as near as dammit. 这要花 350 英镑上下。 |
as near as damn it/dammit
(数量)相差无几,没什么分别used to say that an amount is so nearly correct that the difference does not matter
It will cost £350, or as near as dammit. 这要花 350 英镑上下。 |
We've been here twenty years, near enough. 我们在这里待了差不多二十年了。 |
near enough
确实;差不多used to say that sth is so nearly true that the difference does not matter
We've been here twenty years, near enough. 我们在这里待了差不多二十年了。 |
The job doesn't pay anywhere near enough for me. 这份工作付给我的报酬远远不够。 |
not anywhere near/nowhere near
远非;绝不是far from; not at all
The job doesn't pay anywhere near enough for me. 这份工作付给我的报酬远远不够。 |
so near and yet so far
功败垂成;功亏一篑used to comment on sth that was almost successful but in fact failed
1. | 在…附近;靠近at a short distance away from sb/sth |
Do you live near here? 你住在这附近吗? | |
Go and sit nearer (to) the fire. 坐得靠炉子近点儿。 |
2. | 接近;临近a short period of time from sth |
My birthday is very near Christmas. 我的生日离圣诞节很近。 | |
I'll think about it nearer (to) the time(= when it is just going to happen) . 到时候我会考虑的。 |
3. | (用于数词前)大约,上下,接近used before a number to mean ‘approximately’, ‘just below or above’ |
Share prices are near their record high of last year. 股票价格接近去年的最高纪录。 | |
Profits fell from $11 million to nearer $8 million. 利润从 1 100 万元下跌到大约 800 万元。 |
4. | (质量、大小等)相仿,接近similar to sb/sth in quality, size, etc. |
Nobody else comes near her in intellect. 谁也赶不上她聪明。 | |
He's nearer 70 than 60. 他 60 多岁,快 70 岁了。 | |
This colour is nearest (to) the original. 这种颜色最接近原色。 |
5. | ~ (doing) sth 接近于(某种状态);濒临;快要close to a particular state |
a state near (to) death 濒临死亡 | |
She was near to tears(= almost crying) . 她就要哭了。 | |
We came near to being killed. 我们差点丢了性命。 |