释义 |
pontifical美 [pɒn'tɪfɪkl] 英 [pɒn'tɪfɪkl] - n.主教仪典书;(天主教的)祭服;(主教的)徽章
- adj.教皇的;宗座的
- 网络自以为是的;武断的;傲慢武断的
1. | 教皇的;宗座的connected with a pope |
adj. | 1. belonging to, befitting, or involving a pope, bishop, or pontifex 2. displaying an exaggerated sense of self-importance | n. | 1. a book containing the rites that may be performed only by a bishop | np. | 1. the vestments and insignia of a pope or bishop |