释义 |
sleeper美 ['slipər] 英 ['sliːpə(r)] - n.轨枕;睡眠者;睡得…的人;睡觉者
- 网络傻瓜大闹科学城;卧铺;沉睡者
1. | 睡得…的人a person who sleeps in a particular way |
| a heavy/light/sound sleeper 睡得很沉╱轻╱香的人 |
2. | 睡觉者;睡眠者a person who is asleep |
| Only the snores of the sleepers broke the silence of the house. 只有睡觉的人发出的鼾声打破了屋内的寂静。 |
3. | 卧铺列车a night train with beds for passengers on it |
| the London–Edinburgh sleeper 伦敦到爱丁堡的卧铺列车 |
4. | (铁路)枕木,轨枕one of the heavy pieces of wood or concrete on which the rails on a railway/railroad track are laid |
5. | (informal) (出人意外地成功的)冷门电影(或戏剧、著作等)a film/movie, play or book that for a long time is not very successful and then is suddenly a success |
6. | 休眠间谍(暂时不从事间谍活动)a spy who is sent to live in a country as a normal citizen and is not used until much later |
7. | (为保持耳环孔不闭合而戴的)耳环,耳钉a ring or piece of metal that you wear in an ear that has been pierced(= had a hole made in it) to keep the hole from closing |
n. | 1. 〔体〕潜在的危胁;不受注意的强手;〔机〕轨枕,钢枕;机座垫 9. 有(卧)铺(设备的)飞机;【铁路】〔美国〕卧车,卧铺;〔英国〕枕木;(可翻过来作床铺用的)可卧座位 1. 〔体〕潜在的危胁;不受注意的强手;〔机〕轨枕,钢枕;机座垫 9. 有(卧)铺(设备的)飞机;【铁路】〔美国〕卧车,卧铺;〔英国〕枕木;(可翻过来作床铺用的)可卧座位 |
n. | 1. somebody who is sleeping, or somebody who sleeps in a particular way 2. a piece of furniture that converts into a bed 3. a wrestling hold in which pressure is applied to the sides of an opponent's neck so as to induce real or simulated unconsciousness 4. a railway carriage or compartment with beds for passengers 5. an overnight train with beds for passengers to sleep in 6. any of the beams of wood or concrete on which the rails of a railway track are laid. 7. a heavy beam used as a sill, footing, or support 8. a small gold stud or ring worn to keep the hole of a pierced ear from closing 9. somebody who or something that is not an immediate success but, often surprisingly, later becomes one 10. a spy or secret agent who lives an ordinary life until called into action 1. somebody who is sleeping, or somebody who sleeps in a particular way 2. a piece of furniture that converts into a bed 3. a wrestling hold in which pressure is applied to the sides of an opponent's neck so as to induce real or simulated unconsciousness 4. a railway carriage or compartment with beds for passengers 5. an overnight train with beds for passengers to sleep in 6. any of the beams of wood or concrete on which the rails of a railway track are laid. 7. a heavy beam used as a sill, footing, or support 8. a small gold stud or ring worn to keep the hole of a pierced ear from closing 9. somebody who or something that is not an immediate success but, often surprisingly, later becomes one 10. a spy or secret agent who lives an ordinary life until called into action | np. | 1. children's one-piece pyjamas with feet |