释义 |
- v.埋头苦干;坚持不懈地做;顽强地走;奋力前行
- n.一段时间的艰苦工作(或努力)
- 网络猛击;艰难行进;卖力苦干
过去分词:slogged 现在分词:slogging 第三人称单数:slogs v. plod,trudge,tramp,trek,hike n. drag,effort,strain,marathon 1. | [i][t] 埋头苦干;坚持不懈地做to work hard and steadily at sth, especially sth that takes a long time and is boring or difficult |
| He's been slogging away at that piece of music for weeks. 他苦练那段乐曲已有好几个星期了。 | | The teacher made us slog through long lists of vocabulary. 老师让我们下苦功记住一些长长的词汇表。 | | She slogged her way through four piles of ironing. 她辛辛苦苦一连熨了四堆衣服。 |
2. | [i][t] 顽强地走;奋力前行;艰难行进to walk or travel somewhere steadily, with great effort or difficulty |
| I've been slogging around the streets of London all day. 整整一天,我一直在伦敦街头走来走去。 | | He started to slog his way through the undergrowth. 他踏上了穿越林莽的艰难征程。 |
3. | [t][i] ~ (sth) (+ adv./prep.) 猛击,笨拙地猛击(球)to hit a ball very hard but often without skill |
IDM slog it out (informal) 决出胜负;决一雌雄to fight or compete in order to prove who is the strongest, the best, etc. 1. | [u][c][ususing] 一段时间的艰苦工作(或努力)a period of hard work or effort |
| Writing the book took ten months of hard slog. 这本书是苦熬十个月写出来的。 | | It was a long slog to the top of the mountain. 到山顶的路漫长而艰难。 |
v. | 1. to walk slowly with great effort 2. to work at something for a long time with little progress 3. to make your way through something with great difficulty 4. to hit somebody or something with great force 5. to hit someone very hard, especially in boxing 6. to work hard and for a long time doing something that is difficult or boring 7. to make a long and tiring journey somewhere, especially by walking 1. to walk slowly with great effort 2. to work at something for a long time with little progress 3. to make your way through something with great difficulty 4. to hit somebody or something with great force 5. to hit someone very hard, especially in boxing 6. to work hard and for a long time doing something that is difficult or boring 7. to make a long and tiring journey somewhere, especially by walking | n. | 1. a long difficult trip or walk 2. a long period of hard work 4. something that is difficult or boring and seems to take a long time 1. a long difficult trip or walk 2. a long period of hard work 4. something that is difficult or boring and seems to take a long time |