美 [snægd]
英 ['snægɪd]
- n.障碍;突出物;尖齿;尖角
- v.抓住;被钩住;抢先获得
- 网络绊住;多障碍的;挡住
1. | (informal) (尤指潜在的、意外的、不严重的)问题,困难,障碍,麻烦a problem or difficulty, especially one that is small, hidden or unexpected |
There is just one small snag─where is the money coming from? 只有一个小问题:钱从哪儿来? | |
Let me know if you run into any snags. 要是遇到什么麻烦就告诉我。 |
2. | 突出物;尖齿;尖角;尖刺an object or a part of an object that is rough or sharp and may cut sth |
3. | (informal) 香肠a sausage |
1. | [t][i] (在带尖的东西上)钩住,挂破,被钩住,被挂破to catch or tear sth on sth rough or sharp; to become caught or torn in this way |
I snagged my sweater on the wire fence. 我的毛衣被铁丝网钩住了。 | |
The fence snagged my sweater. 栅栏把我的毛衣挂住了。 | |
The nets snagged on some rocks. 渔网缠在礁石上了。 |
2. | [t] (informal) ~ sth (from sb) 抓住;抢先获得to succeed in getting sth quickly, often before other people |
I snagged a ride from Joe. 我截住乔的车搭了一段路。 |