美 ['spaɪdər]
英 ['spaɪdə(r)]
- n.蜘蛛
- 网络爬行器;网络蜘蛛;搜索引擎蜘蛛
n. | 1. 〔口语〕反谍蜘蛛〔指反间谍人员〕 2. 〔机〕星形轮;十字叉,十字架,十字轴,十字臂;辐射架,机器支架;脚架;行星齿轮架 3. 〔美俚〕缫丝工人 4. 辐条轮毂 5. 设圈套者和入圈套者 6. (中耕机的)泥土粉碎器 7. 三脚架 8. 带柄三脚平底锅 9. 【动物;动物学】蜘蛛 10. 【机械工程】星形轮;十字叉;(螺旋桨的)辐射架;星形接头 1. 〔口语〕反谍蜘蛛〔指反间谍人员〕 2. 〔机〕星形轮;十字叉,十字架,十字轴,十字臂;辐射架,机器支架;脚架;行星齿轮架 3. 〔美俚〕缫丝工人 4. 辐条轮毂 5. 设圈套者和入圈套者 6. (中耕机的)泥土粉碎器 7. 三脚架 8. 带柄三脚平底锅 9. 【动物;动物学】蜘蛛 10. 【机械工程】星形轮;十字叉;(螺旋桨的)辐射架;星形接头 |
n. | 1. a predatory invertebrate animal with four pairs of legs and two or more abdominal organs used for spinning webs that serve as nests and traps for prey. 2. a cast-iron frying pan, originally one with legs or feet for cooking on a hearth 3. a trivet for supporting a pan on a hearth 4. a mechanical device that has radiating arms, spokes, or other parts 5. a circular frame at the base of a ship's mast, used to secure ropes when sails are not in use 6. a computer program that searches the Internet for newly accessible information to be added to the index examined by a standard search tool 7. a multiposition cue rest with wide legs designed to lift the cue tip over an intervening ball 8. a bunch of elastic straps joined at a central point, usually with a hook at each free end, used especially for attaching a load to a rack on a vehicle 9. a small creature with eight legs that usually weaves a web to catch insects 10. a program that searches for new websites on the Internet and builds them into a database that users can use to find documents containing a particular word, phrase or subject 1. a predatory invertebrate animal with four pairs of legs and two or more abdominal organs used for spinning webs that serve as nests and traps for prey. 2. a cast-iron frying pan, originally one with legs or feet for cooking on a hearth 3. a trivet for supporting a pan on a hearth 4. a mechanical device that has radiating arms, spokes, or other parts 5. a circular frame at the base of a ship's mast, used to secure ropes when sails are not in use 6. a computer program that searches the Internet for newly accessible information to be added to the index examined by a standard search tool 7. a multiposition cue rest with wide legs designed to lift the cue tip over an intervening ball 8. a bunch of elastic straps joined at a central point, usually with a hook at each free end, used especially for attaching a load to a rack on a vehicle 9. a small creature with eight legs that usually weaves a web to catch insects 10. a program that searches for new websites on the Internet and builds them into a database that users can use to find documents containing a particular word, phrase or subject |