美 [sted]
英 [sted]
- n.代替;好处
- v.对…有用[有利,有帮助]
- 网络替代;用处;斯特德
Foxton was dismissed and John Smith was appointed in his stead. 福克斯顿被解职,受命接替他的是约翰 ) 史密斯。 |
in sbs/sths stead
代替某人(或某物)instead of sb/sth
Foxton was dismissed and John Smith was appointed in his stead. 福克斯顿被解职,受命接替他的是约翰 ) 史密斯。 |
Your languages will stand you in good stead when it comes to finding a job. 你懂得几种语言,找工作时就会显出优势。 |
stand sb in good stead
(需要时)对某人有用,对某人有利to be useful or helpful to sb when needed
Your languages will stand you in good stead when it comes to finding a job. 你懂得几种语言,找工作时就会显出优势。 |