释义 |
tarsi是tarsus的复数 tarsus美 ['tɑrsəs] 英 ['tɑː(r)səs] - n.睑板;【解】跗骨;鸟胫骨;(昆虫的)跗节
- 网络塔西西奥·阿瓜多;塔西;跗跖
n. | 4. 塔索斯〔古城名,在今土耳其南部,为圣保罗之故乡〕 5. 【解剖学】跗骨;睑板;鸟胫骨;(昆虫的)跗节;蹠节 4. 塔索斯〔古城名,在今土耳其南部,为圣保罗之故乡〕 5. 【解剖学】跗骨;睑板;鸟胫骨;(昆虫的)跗节;蹠节 |
n. | 1. the group of bones that forms the ankle joint in vertebrates, located between the inner bone of the lower leg and the main skeleton of the foot 2. the small section of connective tissue along the edge of the eyelid 3. the part of the leg of an arthropod that is farthest from the tibia 4. your anklethe set of bones that connect your foot to your leg 1. the group of bones that forms the ankle joint in vertebrates, located between the inner bone of the lower leg and the main skeleton of the foot 2. the small section of connective tissue along the edge of the eyelid 3. the part of the leg of an arthropod that is farthest from the tibia 4. your anklethe set of bones that connect your foot to your leg | un. | 1. city in southern Turkey, near the Mediterranean Sea. During Roman rule in the 1st century it was one of the most prominent cities of Asia Minor. |