释义 |
- n.舌头;语言;方言;嘴巴
- v.舔;榫接;嵌接
- 网络鞋舌;舌状物;岩舌
复数:tongues 现在分词:tonguing 过去式:tongued v.+n. hold tongue,tongue speak,bite tongue n. dialect,idiom,language,patois,speech 1. | [c] 舌;舌头the soft part in the mouth that moves around, used for tasting, swallowing, speaking, etc. |
| He clicked his tongue to attract their attention. 他咂嘴发出啧啧声以吸引他们的注意。 | | She ran her tongue over her lips. 她用舌头舔着嘴唇。 | | It's very rude to stick your tongue out at people. 向别人吐舌头是非常不礼貌的。 |
2. | [u][c] 口条the tongue of some animals, cooked and eaten |
| a slice of ox tongue 一片牛口条 |
| None of the tribes speak the same tongue. 这些部落所说的语言都不相同。 | | I tried speaking to her in her native tongue. 我试着用她的本族语和她说话。 |
4. | [sing] 说话方式a particular way of speaking |
| He has a sharp tongue. 他说话尖酸刻薄。 | | I'll thank you to keep a civil tongue in your head(= speak politely) . 请你说话讲究礼貌。 |
5. | 有…说话方式的;说话…的speaking in the way mentioned |
6. | [c] 鞋舌a long narrow piece of leather under the laces on a shoe |
7. | [c] ~ (of sth) 舌状物something that is long and narrow and shaped like a tongue |
IDM get your tongue around/round sth 正确发出(难读单词)的音to pronounce a difficult word correctly hold your tongue/peace 忍住不说;保持缄默to say nothing although you would like to give your opinion | It's not a name that exactly trips off the tongue, is it? 这个名字叫起来拗口,是不是? |
roll/slip/trip off the tongue 容易说(或发音);顺口to be easy to say or pronounce | It's not a name that exactly trips off the tongue, is it? 这个名字叫起来拗口,是不是? |
set tongues wagging (informal) 惹得满城风雨;使议论纷纷;招闲话to cause people to start talking about sb's private affairs with your tongue in your cheek|with tongue in cheek 说说而已;半开玩笑地if you say sthwith your tongue in your cheek , you are not being serious and mean it as a joke 1. | ~ sth 吹奏(管乐器)to stop the flow of air into a wind instrument with your tongue in order to make a note |
2. | ~ sth 舔to lick sth with your tongue |
n. | 1. the movable fleshy organ attached to the bottom of the inside of the mouth of humans and most animals, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and, in humans, speech. 2. the tongue of an animal cooked and eaten as food 4. a particular way of speaking or writing 5. a long narrow piece of land that continues out into a sea, lake etc 6. [Mechanics]the small swinging hammer inside a bell that hits against the inside of the bell to make the sound; the pivoting pin in a buckle 7. a long thin piece of material that lies under the part of a shoe or boot where you fasten it 8. something that looks like or moves like a tongue 9. the pole at the front of a coach or carriage to which the horses' harnesses are fastened 10. a strip that sticks out along the edge of a wooden board and is designed to fit into a corresponding groove along the edge of another board 1. the movable fleshy organ attached to the bottom of the inside of the mouth of humans and most animals, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and, in humans, speech. 2. the tongue of an animal cooked and eaten as food 4. a particular way of speaking or writing 5. a long narrow piece of land that continues out into a sea, lake etc 6. [Mechanics]the small swinging hammer inside a bell that hits against the inside of the bell to make the sound; the pivoting pin in a buckle 7. a long thin piece of material that lies under the part of a shoe or boot where you fasten it 8. something that looks like or moves like a tongue 9. the pole at the front of a coach or carriage to which the horses' harnesses are fastened 10. a strip that sticks out along the edge of a wooden board and is designed to fit into a corresponding groove along the edge of another board | v. | 1. to touch or lick something with the tongue 2. to cut a tongue along the edge of a wooden board in order to make one half of a tongue-and-groove joint 3. to produce a musical note on a wind instrument by using your tongue to prevent air from flowing through it for a short time |