释义 |
- adj.突厥语族的;突厥语民族的
- n.突厥语族
- 网络土耳其语;突厥人;突阙语族
n. | | adj. | 1. 突厥语族的〔属阿尔泰语系,包括土耳其语,阿塞尔拜疆语,鞑靼语,维吾尔语,乌兹别克语和土库曼语〕 |
n. | 1. a subgroup of the Altaic family of languages spoken in western and central Asia, including Turkish, Azeri, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Uigur, and Uzbek | adj. | 1. relating to Turkic languages, to the region where they are spoken, or to the peoples who speak them |