释义 |
background美 ['bæk.ɡraʊnd] 英 ['bæk.ɡraʊnd] - n.背景;底色;幕后;经历
- 网络后台;背景色;背景颜色
adj.+n. cultural background,educational background,academic background,humble background,political background v.+n. give background,come background,describe background adj. contextual,related,circumstantial n. upbringing,circumstances,personal history,family,social class 家庭、教育等family/education, etc. 1. | [c] 出身背景;学历;经历the details of a person's family, education, experience, etc. |
| a person's family/social/cultural/educational/class background 一个人的出身╱社会╱文化╱教育╱阶级背景 | | The job would suit someone with a business background. 这项工作适合有商务经验的人。 |
过去past 2. | [c][ususing][u] (事态发展等的)背景the circumstances or past events that help explain why sth is how it is; information about these |
| the historical background to the war 这场战争的历史背景 | | background information/knowledge 背景资料╱知识 | | The elections are taking place against a background of violence. 选举正在暴乱的情况下进行。 | | Can you give me more background on the company? 你能给我多提供一些这家公司的背景资料吗? |
图画;照片of picture/photo 3. | [c][ususing] 后景;背景the part of a picture, photograph or view behind the main objects, people, etc. |
| a photograph with trees in the background 以树木为远景的照片 |
次要位置less important position 4. | [sing] 不显眼的位置;幕后a position in which people are not paying attention to sb/sth or not as much attention as they are paying to sb/sth else |
| He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press. 他喜欢待在幕后,让他的助理向新闻界发布消息。 | | A piano tinkled gently in the background . 背景是悠扬的钢琴声。 | | | | There was a lot of background noise(= that you could hear, but were not listening to) . 背景噪音很多。 |
底色colour under sth 5. | [c][ususing] 底色;底花;底子a colour or design on which sth is painted, drawn, etc. |
| The name of the company is written in red on a white background. 公司的名称是用白底红字写的。 |
n. | 1. 后景,背景;基本情况;(纺织品等的)底子;出身;经历 1. 后景,背景;基本情况;(纺织品等的)底子;出身;经历 |
n. | 1. the personal circumstances and experiences that shape somebody's life, e.g. ethnic and social origins, upbringing, education, and work experience 2. the circumstances leading up to an event that explain its cause 3. the area that is behind something, forming the setting for it 4. the part of a picture or pattern that appears to be in the distance or behind the most important part 5. information that helps to explain what somebody or something is like or why something is happening 6. a position of relative inconspicuousness or unimportance 7. the low-priority environment in computers that can perform multiple tasks 8. an extraneous signal, often in the form of electronic or acoustic noise, that can cause distortion or affect an instrument reading 9. the type of career, training, or education that someone has had 10. the general situation in which something happens 1. the personal circumstances and experiences that shape somebody's life, e.g. ethnic and social origins, upbringing, education, and work experience 2. the circumstances leading up to an event that explain its cause 3. the area that is behind something, forming the setting for it 4. the part of a picture or pattern that appears to be in the distance or behind the most important part 5. information that helps to explain what somebody or something is like or why something is happening 6. a position of relative inconspicuousness or unimportance 7. the low-priority environment in computers that can perform multiple tasks 8. an extraneous signal, often in the form of electronic or acoustic noise, that can cause distortion or affect an instrument reading 9. the type of career, training, or education that someone has had 10. the general situation in which something happens | adj. | 1. situated or depicted in, or forming part of, the background to something 2. functioning or suitable as an accompaniment to something else |