美 ['bʌtlər]
英 ['bʌtlə(r)]
- n.男管家
- 网络巴特勒;勃特勒;巴特勒大学
n. | 1. 巴特勒(1.Benjamin Franklin,1818-189 3,美国律师,将军及从政者;2.Joseph ,1692-1752,英国神学家;3.Nicholas Murray,1862-1947,美国教育家,曾获1931年诺贝尔和平奖;4.Samuel,1612-1680,英国诗人;5,Samuel,1835-1902,英国小说家) 2. 巴特勒〔姓氏〕 3. 男仆;管家 4. 管事,男管家;(主管酒饭的)侍役长 5. 【历史】(皇宫中的)司膳官,王室酒类管理官 1. 巴特勒(1.Benjamin Franklin,1818-189 3,美国律师,将军及从政者;2.Joseph ,1692-1752,英国神学家;3.Nicholas Murray,1862-1947,美国教育家,曾获1931年诺贝尔和平奖;4.Samuel,1612-1680,英国诗人;5,Samuel,1835-1902,英国小说家) 2. 巴特勒〔姓氏〕 3. 男仆;管家 4. 管事,男管家;(主管酒饭的)侍役长 5. 【历史】(皇宫中的)司膳官,王室酒类管理官 |
n. | 1. the male head servant in a large or important household, with responsibilities that include overseeing the other staff, taking care of the wine and silverware, and sometimes receiving guests 2. the most important male servant in a rich person’s house, whose job is to organize the other servants, to welcome guests, to pour wine at meals, etc. |
un. | 1. city and manufacturing center in western Pennsylvania, north of Pittsburgh. |