释义 |
chugs是chug的第三人称单数 - v.(发动机缓慢运转时)发出突突声;一饮而尽;一口气喝完
- n.(发动机的)突突声
- 网络轧轧声;发出轧轧声;咔嚓咔嚓地响
过去分词:chugged 现在分词:chugging 第三人称单数:chugs v. continue,keep going,keep at it,persist,guzzle 1. | [i] (+ adv./prep.) (发动机缓慢运转时)发出突突声to move making the sound of an engine running slowly |
| The boat chugged down the river. 小船突突地沿江而下。 |
2. | [t] ~ sth 一饮而尽;一口气喝完to drink all of sth quickly without stopping |
1. | (发动机的)突突声the sound made by a chugging engine |
v. | 1. (发动机等)嚓嘎嚓嘎地响;〔口语〕(火车、汽船等)嚓嘎嚓嘎地前进 | n. | |
v. | 1. to make a repetitive thudding sound like that of a small engine 2. to move along slowly with a chugging sound under the power of an engine 3. to continue steadily doing the usual things 4. to drink something, especially beer, quickly and without pausing 5. to make a series of low sounds or to move slowly making these sounds 1. to make a repetitive thudding sound like that of a small engine 2. to move along slowly with a chugging sound under the power of an engine 3. to continue steadily doing the usual things 4. to drink something, especially beer, quickly and without pausing 5. to make a series of low sounds or to move slowly making these sounds | n. | 1. the chugging noise that an engine makes |