continuing education
- na.进修教育
- 网络继续教育;成人教育;再教育
un. | 1. 进修教育 |
n. | 1. adult education, usually in the form of short or part-time courses, continuing throughout a person's life 2. regular courses or training designed to bring professionals up to date with the latest developments in their particular field 3. classes for adults, often held in the evening, that give them the opportunity to study a wide variety of subjects 4. classes in which professional people learn the latest developments, laws, etc. relating to their professions 1. adult education, usually in the form of short or part-time courses, continuing throughout a person's life 2. regular courses or training designed to bring professionals up to date with the latest developments in their particular field 3. classes for adults, often held in the evening, that give them the opportunity to study a wide variety of subjects 4. classes in which professional people learn the latest developments, laws, etc. relating to their professions |