释义 |
- n.聋子;耳聋的人
- adj.聋的;不愿听;不去注意
- 网络聋人;聋哑读英语;装聋的
adj.+n. deaf ear,deaf people,deaf person,deaf boy,deaf student 1. | 聋的unable to hear anything or unable to hear very well |
2. | [nbn] ~ to sth 不愿听;不去注意not willing to listen or pay attention to sth |
| He was deaf to my requests for help. 他对我的求助充耳不闻。 |
1. | [pl] 耳聋的人;聋子people who cannot hear |
| television subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing 为耳聋和耳背者做的电视字幕 |
adj. | 1. completely or partially unable to hear in one or both ears 2. unwilling to respond to something as if unable to hear it 3. not able to hear anything, or not able to hear very wellMany deaf people wear a hearing aid to help them hear. Deaf people often use their hands to communicate in sign language, and many can lip-read what other people are saying | np. | 1. people who are hard of hearing |