释义 |
- n.梦;睡梦;梦想;理想
- v.做梦;梦见;想象;梦想
- 网络梦幻;梦境;幻想
复数:dreams 现在分词:dreaming 过去分词:dreamt 过去式:dreamed v.+n. dream come,realize dream,fulfill dream,achieve dream,fulfil dream adj.+n. bad dream,beautiful dream,strange dream,wonderful dream,rosy dream v. fantasize,visualize,imagine,fancy,daydream n. vision,reverie,aspiration,wish,goal 1. | [c] 梦;睡梦a series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep |
| I had a vivid dream about my old school. 我做了一个非常逼真的梦,梦见了我的母校。 | | I thought someone came into the bedroom, but it was just a dream. 我还以为有人进了卧室,原来只是一场梦。 | | ‘Goodnight. Sweet dreams.’ “晚安。祝你做个好梦。” |
2. | [c] 梦想;理想;愿望a wish to have or be sth, especially one that seems difficult to achieve |
| Her lifelong dream was to be a famous writer. 她的毕生愿望就是成为名作家。 | | He wanted to be rich but it was an impossible dream. 他想发财,然而这是不可能实现的梦想。 | | If I win, it will be a dream come true . 如果我赢了,那就是梦想成真。 | | She tried to turn her dream of running her own business into reality. 她努力实现经营自己企业的梦想。 | | a dream car/house/job, etc. 梦寐以求的汽车、房子、工作等 | | I've finally found the man of my dreams . 我终于找到了理想中的男人。 | | a chance to fulfil a childhood dream 实现童年梦想的机会 | | It was the end of all my hopes and dreams. 我的希望和梦想全都破灭了。 |
3. | [sing] 梦幻状态;恍惚;出神a state of mind or a situation in which things do not seem real or part of normal life |
| She walked around in a dream all day. 她整天都在梦游似的到处转悠。 |
4. | [sing] (informal) 梦一般美妙的人(或事物);极美好的人(或事物)a beautiful or wonderful person or thing |
| That meal was an absolute dream. 那顿饭真是太棒了。 |
IDM | My new car goes like a dream. 我的新汽车性能好极了。 |
go/work like a dream 性能极佳;十分有效to work very well | My new car goes like a dream. 我的新汽车性能好极了。 |
毫无困难;非常顺利;完美to happen without problems, in the way that you had planned | ‘I'll be a manager before I'm 30.’ ‘In your dreams.’ “我要在 30 岁前当经理。”“你做梦。” |
in your dreams (informal) 你妄想;你在做梦used to tell sb that sth they are hoping for is not likely to happen | ‘I'll be a manager before I'm 30.’ ‘In your dreams.’ “我要在 30 岁前当经理。”“你做梦。” |
| In broad daylight the events of the night before seemed like a bad dream. 在大白天里,前一天夜里发生的事情就像噩梦般令人难以置信。 |
like a bad dream 噩梦般令人难以置信so unpleasant that you cannot believe it is true | In broad daylight the events of the night before seemed like a bad dream. 在大白天里,前一天夜里发生的事情就像噩梦般令人难以置信。 |
1. | [i][t] 做梦;梦见to experience a series of images, events and feelings in your mind while you are asleep |
| Did I talk in my sleep? I must have been dreaming. 我说梦话了吗?我肯定是在做梦。 | | I dreamt about you last night. 我昨晚梦见你了。 | | Did it really happen or did I just dream it? 这是真的吗?还是我在做梦? | | I dreamt (that) I got the job. 我梦见自己得到了那份工作。 |
2. | [i][t] 想象;梦想to imagine and think about sth that you would like to happen |
| She dreams of running her own business. 她梦想自己开公司。 | | It was the kind of trip most of us only dream about. 对我们大多数人来说,这样的旅行只是梦想。 | | I wouldn't dream of going without you(= I would never go without you) . 你不去,我绝对不会去。 | | Who'd have dreamt it? They're getting married. 谁会料到?他们要结婚了。 | | I never dreamt (that) I'd actually get the job. 我做梦也没想到会真的得到这份工作。 |
n. | 1. a sequence of images that appear involuntarily to the mind of somebody who is sleeping, often a mixture of real and imaginary characters, places, and events 2. a series of images, usually pleasant ones, that pass through the mind of somebody who is awake 3. something that somebody hopes, longs, or is ambitious for, usually something difficult to attain or far removed from present circumstances 4. an idea or hope that is impractical or unlikely ever to be realized 5. a state of inattention owing to preoccupation with thoughts or fantasies 6. somebody or something that seems particularly good-looking or wonderful 7. something that you experience in your mind while you are sleeping. A dream in which frightening things happen is called a bad dream or a nightmare 8. something good that you hope you will have or achieve in the future 1. a sequence of images that appear involuntarily to the mind of somebody who is sleeping, often a mixture of real and imaginary characters, places, and events 2. a series of images, usually pleasant ones, that pass through the mind of somebody who is awake 3. something that somebody hopes, longs, or is ambitious for, usually something difficult to attain or far removed from present circumstances 4. an idea or hope that is impractical or unlikely ever to be realized 5. a state of inattention owing to preoccupation with thoughts or fantasies 6. somebody or something that seems particularly good-looking or wonderful 7. something that you experience in your mind while you are sleeping. A dream in which frightening things happen is called a bad dream or a nightmare 8. something good that you hope you will have or achieve in the future | v. | 1. to experience vivid mental images of something while sleeping 2. to let the mind dwell on pleasant scenes and images while awake, often resulting in inattention 3. to want something very much and imagine having or doing it, though it may be unlikely 4. to think of or consider doing something regarded as wrong or inappropriate 5. to think about something that you hope to have or achieve 6. have dreams;see,experience,in a dream;imagine;suppose 7. have dreams;see,experience,in a dream;imagine;sup-pose 8. have dreams;see,experience,in adream;imagine;suppose 9. have dreams;see,experi-ence,in a dream;imagine;suppose 1. to experience vivid mental images of something while sleeping 2. to let the mind dwell on pleasant scenes and images while awake, often resulting in inattention 3. to want something very much and imagine having or doing it, though it may be unlikely 4. to think of or consider doing something regarded as wrong or inappropriate 5. to think about something that you hope to have or achieve 6. have dreams;see,experience,in a dream;imagine;suppose 7. have dreams;see,experience,in a dream;imagine;sup-pose 8. have dreams;see,experience,in adream;imagine;suppose 9. have dreams;see,experi-ence,in a dream;imagine;suppose | adj. | 1. occurring in or reminiscent of a dream 2. perfect and wonderful in every way |