释义 |
dullest是dull的最高级 - v.减轻;(使)变麻木;使迟钝;使不活泼;变钝;缓和;把…弄钝;使阴暗
- adj.枯燥无味的;沉闷的;无聊的;不明亮的;萧条的;枯燥的;呆笨的;不锋利的
- 网络迟钝的;乏味的;阴暗的
比较级:duller 最高级:dullest 第三人称单数:dulls 现在分词:dulling 过去式:dulled adj.+n. dull work,dull life,dull ache,dull book,dull sound adj. cloudy,stupid,boring,uninteresting,dark v. deaden,dampen,stultify,cloud,blunt 乏味boring 1. | 枯燥无味的;沉闷的;无聊的not interesting or exciting |
| Life in a small town could be deadly dull. 小城镇的生活可能会非常没意思。 | | The first half of the game was pretty dull. 上半场比赛打得十分沉闷。 | | There's never a dull moment when John's around. 只要约翰在就不会有沉闷的时候。 |
光;色彩light/colours 2. | 不明亮的;不鲜明的;无光泽的not bright or shiny |
| | | dull, lifeless hair 无光泽、无弹性的头发 | | Her eyes were dull. 她目光呆滞。 |
天气weather 3. | 阴沉的;昏暗的;多云的not bright, with a lot of clouds |
| It was a dull, grey day. 那是一个阴沉昏暗的日子。 |
声音sounds 4. | 不清晰的;隐约的;低沉的not clear or loud |
| The gates shut behind him with a dull thud. 他走出后,大门砰的一声闷响关上了。 |
疼痛pain 5. | 隐隐约约的not very severe, but continuous |
人person 6. | 迟钝的;愚笨的slow in understanding |
贸易trade 7. | 萧条的;不景气的;呆滞的not busy; slow |
| Don't sell into a dull market. 不要到萧条的市场去推销。 |
IDM (as) dull as ditchwater 索然无味;无聊透顶extremely boring 疼痛pain 1. | [t][i] ~ (sth) 减轻;(使)变麻木to become or be made weaker or less severe |
| The tablets they gave him dulled the pain for a while. 他们给他的药片暂时缓解了疼痛。 |
人person 2. | [t] ~ sb 使迟钝;使不活泼to make a person slower or less lively |
| He felt dulled and stupid with sleep. 他睡得迷迷糊糊,昏头昏脑。 |
色彩;声音colours/sounds 3. | [i][t] (使)变得无光泽,变模糊,变低沉to become or to make sth less bright, clean or sharp |
| His eyes dulled and he slumped to the ground. 他眼前一黑重重地倒在地上。 | | The endless rain seemed to dull all sound. 连绵不断的阴雨似乎使所有的声音都变得沉闷起来。 |
adj. | 1. 枯燥,乏味,兴味索然,沉闷乏味的,索然无味的,单调乏味的 2. (市场等)呆滞的,萧条的;(谈话等)单调的,枯燥的,无聊的,沉闷的 4. 单调,无聊,叫人腻味的,味同嚼蜡;愚昧的,冥顽不灵的 5. 沉闷,忧郁,郁闷的,愁闷的,沉闷极了,死气沉沉的 6. 暗淡,发暗,无光,灰暗的,黯然无光,没有光泽的 1. 枯燥,乏味,兴味索然,沉闷乏味的,索然无味的,单调乏味的 2. (市场等)呆滞的,萧条的;(谈话等)单调的,枯燥的,无聊的,沉闷的 4. 单调,无聊,叫人腻味的,味同嚼蜡;愚昧的,冥顽不灵的 5. 沉闷,忧郁,郁闷的,愁闷的,沉闷极了,死气沉沉的 6. 暗淡,发暗,无光,灰暗的,黯然无光,没有光泽的 | v. | |
adj. | 1. arousing no interest or excitement 2. lacking vividness or brightness of hue 3. not bright because of weather conditions such as thick clouds or mist 4. not acutely or intensely felt or experienced, but prolonged 5. muffled and not resonant 6. lacking sharpness or the ability to cut cleanly 7. slow to understand or learn 8. lacking in alertness or speedy responsiveness 9. lacking in energy or enthusiasm 10. without the usual or desirable number of transactions 1. arousing no interest or excitement 2. lacking vividness or brightness of hue 3. not bright because of weather conditions such as thick clouds or mist 4. not acutely or intensely felt or experienced, but prolonged 5. muffled and not resonant 6. lacking sharpness or the ability to cut cleanly 7. slow to understand or learn 8. lacking in alertness or speedy responsiveness 9. lacking in energy or enthusiasm 10. without the usual or desirable number of transactions | v. | 1. to become quieter, or cause something to become quieter 2. to become less acute or intensely felt, or cause something to become less acute or intensely felt 3. to become less sharp, or cause something to become less sharp 4. to become less bright or intense, or cause something to become less bright or intense 5. to become less brisk or busy, or cause something to become less brisk or busy 6. to make someone’s mind slower or less able to understand, think, hear etc 7. to make a feeling weaker 8. to make a sound weaker or less clear 1. to become quieter, or cause something to become quieter 2. to become less acute or intensely felt, or cause something to become less acute or intensely felt 3. to become less sharp, or cause something to become less sharp 4. to become less bright or intense, or cause something to become less bright or intense 5. to become less brisk or busy, or cause something to become less brisk or busy 6. to make someone’s mind slower or less able to understand, think, hear etc 7. to make a feeling weaker 8. to make a sound weaker or less clear |