标题 | 二战名将说过的英语名言警句 |
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纵观整个二战史,在混乱的世界里,可以说是名将辈出,今天我们不看他们的善与恶,只看这些二战名将说过的英语名言警句,通过这些名言名句,让我们来了解他们,用他们的事迹来激励我们前进。 二战十大名将排行榜,二战名将事迹 句子较短的二战名将英语名言 1、进攻,进攻,进攻!——隆美尔 Attack, attack, attack! 2、迎接战争和迎接太阳一样。——马克阿瑟 Meet the war and to greet the sun. 3、人才有用不好用,奴才好用没有用。——马克阿瑟 Talent is bad to use, useful slave to use. 4、他必须能够知难而上,勇于冒险。——巴顿 He must be able to go upstream, risk-taking. 5、每当部队休息时,都要实施侦察。——隆美尔 Whenever troops to rest, to implement reconnaissance. 6、只有不怕死的人才配活着。——马克阿瑟 Only not afraid dead of people alive. 7、不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。——马克阿瑟 He doesn't want to be a general soldiers isn't a good soldier. 8、只要有可能,就要采取欺骗措施。——隆美尔 Whenever possible, will adopt measures to deceive. 9、老兵永远不会死,他们只是悄然隐去。——马克阿瑟 Old soldiers never die, they just go quietly. 10、历史,不过是伟大人物的传记。——马克阿瑟 History is but the biography of great men. 11、部队必须学会悄然无声地进行运动。——隆美尔 Quietly forces must learn to exercise. 12、若无必胜的信心,则战争必败无疑。——马克阿瑟 Without the confidence to win the war to failure. 13、火力越强,工事越深,伤亡越小。——隆美尔 The stronger the fire, the stronger the fortifications, the smaller the casualties. 14、俄国虽大,但已无路可退,后面就是莫斯科。 Russia is large, but there is no way to retreat, behind is Moscow. 15、只要有可能,就要利用烟幕掩蔽昼间的运动。——隆美尔 Whenever possible, be about to use the movement of smoke screen masking day. 16、以尽快的速度,向一切可以推进的地方前进!——朱可夫 At the rate as soon as possible, to all places that can push forward! 17、不管是攻还是防,都要尽量靠前配置自动武器。——隆美尔 Whether attack or defend, all want to keep the former configuration of automatic weapon. 18、不是列宁格勒惧怕死亡,而是死亡惧怕列宁格勒!——朱可夫 Not Leningrad fear death, but death fear of Leningrad. 19、现在人们根本就不管是不是为了赢得战争本身而战。——巴顿 Now people whether fight to win the war itself. 20、谁先开火,并能进行最猛烈的集火射击,谁就能取得胜利。——隆美尔 Who first opened fire, and the most violent assisted can shoot, who would win. 21、不管在进攻中还是在防御中,始终要派出警戒分队。——隆美尔 Both in attack and in defence, always send warning unit. 22、战斗分队的指挥官既要积极主动,又要坚决果断。——隆美尔 Combat brigade commander should actively, and to be decisive. 23、假如我知道前进的路上有雷区,我也会让部队直接开过去。——朱可夫 If I know the way forward is a minefield, I will also let forces directly drive past. 24、有绝妙的计划,必须不遗余力地实施,而且今天就做。——马克阿瑟 Have a wonderful plan, must spare no effort to implement, and do it today. 25、我的命令就是进攻,不断的进攻,直到他娘的汽油用光。——巴顿将军 My command is offensive, continuous attack, until he niang run out of gas. 句子较长的二战名将英语名言 26、我要让美国人在身经百战的非洲军面前有一种自卑感。——隆美尔元帅 I want to let the americans before battle-hardened army of Africa have an inferiority complex. 27、人员、武器、军事思想——这是一支军队的三个基本要素。——朱可夫 Personnel, weapons, military thoughts - this is an army of three basic elements. 28、一个人一辈子杀一个人是犯罪,一天之内杀十万人就是英雄。——曼斯坦因 A person for a lifetime to kill a person is crime, hero is killed one hundred thousand people in one day. 29、部队只要在一地停留的时间超过短暂停顿的时间,就应修工事。——隆美尔 Forces as long as you stay in one place for more than a brief pause time, should be revised. 30、在所有进攻战斗中,都要利用心理因素(在敌人中间制造恐慌)。——隆美尔 In all offensive combat, and to take advantage of the psychological factors (creating panic among the enemy). 31、像我们伟大的先辈苏沃洛夫,库图佐夫学习,将敌人消灭在莫斯科城下。——斯大林 Like our great ancestors suvorov, kutuzov study, eliminate the enemy at the gates in Moscow. 32、战争是人类最壮观的竞赛!在竞赛中,人可以为所欲为。在战斗中,强者胜,弱者亡。——巴顿 War is the most spectacular human race! In the competition, people can do whatever you want. In a fight, the strong wins, the weak die. 33、我来这里和你们并肩战斗感到很自豪,让我们把那些德国佬掏肝挖心,直捣柏林。——巴顿 I come here to fight alongside you very proud, let us put those jerry tao liver dig heart, taking the Berlin. 34、不管武器口径多么小,也不管武器数量多么少,要始终用火力支援步兵进攻。——隆美尔 No matter how small calibre weapons, no matter how less number of weapons, also always use fire support the infantry attack. 35、我可以做任何工作,指挥一个师,一个军,一个集团军,一个方面军——只要祖国需要。——朱可夫 I can do any work, command a division, an army, a group army, an army - as long as the motherland needs. 36、数量居劣势之军,可以采取更多地使用自动武器或者更加迅速地发扬火力的方式压倒数量居优势之敌。——隆美尔 Number of underdog army, can take more use of automatic weapons or more quickly develop fire overwhelm the enemy of the habitat advantages. 37、如果你们不会,我们教你;如果你们不想学,我们强迫你学。总之,你要成为一名优秀的坦克手。——朱可夫 If you don't, we will teach you; If you don't want to learn, we force you to learn. In a word, what do you want to become an excellent tanker. 二战名将英语名言就为您介绍到这,点击下一页,了解二战期间十大名将的事迹…… |
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