标题 | 关于拜金的英语句子 |
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“拜金”指的是崇拜金钱,形容一个人什么事都向钱方面想,是一个贬义词,我们今天准备的关于拜金的英语句子,有的说“拜金”好,有的说“拜金”坏,不论好坏小编相信凡事都要有一个度,什么事情过了,都会变成不好的事情。![]() Is money the most addictive drugs. 2、我们换取金钱的代价是自由。 We return for the cost of money is freedom. 3、我们当中最神圣的乃是尊贵的“金钱陛下”。 Among our most sacred but noble "money your majesty". 4、金钱往往成为真正情义的障碍物。 Money often become true kindness obstacles. 5、聪明人肯舍弃金钱,以保全性命。 A wise man will abandon the money, to save lives. 6、人们手里的金钱是保持自由的一种工具。 People of money is a tool to keep freedom. 7、我从来都不是拜金的人,我拜的只是感情。 I have never been money worship, worship is just my feelings. 8、金钱是个好仆人,但在某些场合也会变成恶主人。 Money is a good servant, but also become the evil master in some occasions. 9、金钱是个好兵士,有了它就可以使人勇气百倍。 Money is a good soldier, it can make the person the courage to one hundred times. 10、亘古的爱情传说,敌不过当下的拜金社会。 Everlasting love legend, the enemy but the present materialistic society. 11、请收下我的狂热,因为那里全是拜金。 Please accept my enthusiasm, because there is full of money worship. 12、再拜金的女人,心里也有牢不可破的爱情梦。 Money-oriented woman again, the in the mind also has a strong love dream. 13、把金钱奉为神明,它就会象魔鬼一样降祸于你。 Deification of the money, it will be like the devil, evil to you. 14、拜金是因为自己缺钱,嫉妒是因为自己没有。 Material because of their lack of money, jealous because they do not have. 15、完美的女友:不任性,不拜金,不欺骗。不存在! The perfect girlfriend: not capricious, not material, don't cheat. Does not exist! 16、如果你把金钱当成上帝,它便会像魔鬼一样地折磨你。 If you take money as god, it will be like the devil to torture you. 17、多少所谓纯洁的爱情,毁在了新华字典里拜金二字。 How many so-called pure love, destroyed in the xinhua dictionary material. 18、女人不能太拜金,拜金的后果就是自己变得一文不值。 The consequence of woman cannot too material, material is worthless. 19、我不拜金,但我承认在我们这个社会一切都离不开钱。 I am not worship money, but I admit all cannot leave the money in our society. 20、没有不拜金的女人,只有为了拜金拉不下脸的女人。 No material of woman, only to pull material not bottom face of the woman. 21、对金钱的贪欲会随着金钱数量的增加而变得愈发强烈。 The greed of money will increase in the number of money and has become increasingly strong. 22、金钱是任何国家都能理解的一种语言,可以派上一切的用场。 Money is any country can understand a language, you can send all to use. 23、没本事的男人才觉得女人拜金,没魅力的女人才觉得男人花心。 Uselessness men think women worship money, no charm women think men flower heart. 24、爱买东西,爱玩什么的根本就不是拜金,这算对美好生活的追求。 Love shopping, love to play what is not material, which is the pursuit of a better life. 25、我们之所以拜金,就是因为我们这个社会没有给每个人一个平等的机会。 The reason we worship money, because our society did not give everyone a fair chance. 26、女人需要一定的物质,并不是“拜金”。她只是需要“安全感”。 Women need to certain substances, is not "material". She just needs to "security". 27、我们都向往过好一点的生活,但这并不意味着我们就拜金。 We all aspire to live a little better, but this does not mean that we will worship money. 28、朋友的每一次背信弃义都增加了几分我们对于金钱威力的信赖。 Friend's increased us for a few minutes every treachery money the power of faith. 29、不要说一些女孩子们拜金,因为你不过是嫉妒那些可以满足他们的人。 Don't say some girls worship money, because you're just jealous of those who can meet them. 30、自己能经营好自己事业的获得丰收,依赖别人,拜金的人终无所获。 They can get harvest, manage their careers depend on others, money-oriented person does not have attains. |
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