标题 | 以公平公正为话题的英语名言警句 |
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以公平公正为话题的英语名言警句除了向我们阐述了什么是公平公正,还告诉我们很多关于公平公正的道理,让我们更加理解所谓的公平公正都只是相对的,没有绝对的公平公正,良心才是公平公正的审判官。 以公平公正为话题的英语名言警句: 1、所有的判决大致说来都是怯懦和不公正的。 All judgment basically is cowardice and unjust. 2、幸福没有机会又何来公正? Happiness no opportunity and no justice? 3、仁爱先从自己开始,公正先从别人开始。 Love begin with yourself, just begin with others. 4、真相会从不公正的表象中散发出来。 The truth will emanate never fair representation. 5、以端正的态度对待世界世界会还你一个公正。 With correct attitude towards the world the world will return you a fair. 6、别人帮你是你的幸运,不帮你是命运的公正。 Others to help you be lucky, you don't help you is the fate of the fair. 7、对别人不公正的评价你可以反唇相讥,但也可以不以为然。 Unfair to others evaluation you can retorted, but also can not. 8、少数人渴望自由,多数人只希望有个公正的主人。 A few people yearn for freedom, most people just want to have a fair master. 9、谁也不会在审理自己的案件时当一名公正的法官。 Who wouldn't be in their own courts as a fair judge. 10、公正地评价各个时代和世界各地区一切民族的建树。 Fair evaluation of all times and all ethnic groups in various areas of the world. 11、有人帮你,是你的幸运,无人帮你,是命运的公正。 Someone to help you, you are lucky, there is no one to help you, is the fate of the fair. 12、凡是解释越简单的法律,也就是也公正的法律。 All legal explanation, the more simple, is also fair law. 13、我可以原谅所有的人,除了不公正、不人道和忘恩负义。 I can forgive all the people, in addition to injustice, inhumane and ungrateful. 14、在绝对的权力和财富面前,所谓的公正和法律,只是那些高位者的借口! In front of absolute power and wealth, the so-called justice and law, only those high excuse! 15、公开权衡公平,公平而后方能公正。顺序应该如此。 Open weigh fair, fair, and then to justice. The order should be so. 16、一个有洁癖的人,他才会把守护平等公正变成自己的本能。 A freak, he will protect equal justice into his own instincts. 17、在政府事务中,公正不仅是一种美德,而且是一种力量。 In the government affairs, justice is not only a kind of virtue, and it is a kind of power. 18、无论谁对谁错,无关紧要。就让时间最后做出公正的裁决吧! No matter who to who wrong, it doesn't matter. Let time to finally make a fair decision! 19、我在这块土地上创立了法和公正,在这时光里我使人们幸福。 I established the law and justice, in the land at this time I make people happy. 20、即便巨星在上升和下落的过程中也都会有遇到不公正的评价。 Even stars in the process of rising and falling have met unfair evaluation. 21、公正不但必须做到,为了令人信服,它还必须被人看到。 Justice must not only do it, for the sake of convincing, it must also be seen. 22、不是是说必须付出多少代价,而是我的公正和声誉怎么办。 Not mean must pay the price, but I what about justice and reputation. 23、在很多时候,公平公正不是外界给予的,而是由自己创造出来的。 In many cases, fair and not from the outside, but created by ourselves. 24、公平公正的尸体一旦被抬出来,偏执邪恶的幽灵就会乘机附在上面。 Once fair body was being carried out, paranoid evil ghost will attach themselves to it. 25、公正的法律限制不了好的自由,因为好人不会去做法律不允许的事情。 Fair legal restrictions on freedom of not good, because good people won't go to do the law does not allow. 26、这很不公平,我知道。但生活经常就是这样,不公平,不公正,还有一点残忍。 This is not fair, I know. But life is such, often unfair and unjust, it is also cruel. 27、如果你在不公正的情形下保持中立,那你其实已经选择站在压迫者一边。 If you are in the unjust cases remained neutral, that you have chosen to stand with their oppressors. 28、世界永远不会有失公正,因为吾等的心中,还有道德的天平。 The world will never be unfair, because our hearts, and the balance of morality. 29、我只记得你是高贵公正的魔王,却忘记了你是我的爱人,我灵魂的另一半。 I just remember you are high and justice of the Lord, but forget you are my lover, my soul mate. 30、我坚信。在法律和道德之上。还有更高的。更公正的审判。那就是人的良心。 I firmly believe that. Above the law and morality. There are higher. A fair trial. It is man's conscience. 31、法律的目的是对受法律支配的一切人公正地运用法律,借以保护和救济无辜者。 Law of ruled by law is the purpose of all the people of fair use of the law, so as to protection and relief for the innocent. 32、良心是每一个人最公正的审判官,你骗得了别人,却永远骗不了你自己的良心。 Conscience is the each and every one of the most impartial judge, you deceive others, but never cheat your own conscience. 33、执劝者理应恪尽职守,公正严明,以身作则,不该因公废私,掩饰己过,否则何以服人? Fairness of board advised should fulfill his duties, and lead by example, shouldn't waste official business, hide yourself, otherwise why him? 34、命运是公正的,他知道你的极限,不会把你承受不了的苦难强加给你。 Destiny is fair, he know your limits and don't see you can't bear suffering imposed upon you. 35、一个人只有站在安贫乐道的立场上,才能成为一名公正而又有智慧的人生观察者。 A person only standing on the position of the eagerness, to be a fair and wise observer of life. 36、公正的上帝,难道你从我这里所拿走的东西还不够多吗?你何时候变得如此贪婪? Just god, what do you from me take enough? What time do you have become so greedy? 37、只有时间能够聚集起足够的判断力,对一个事物的价值给出客观公正的评价。 Only time is able to gather enough judgment, for one thing the value of the objective and fair evaluation is given. |
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