标题 | 以感恩父母为主题的英语名言 |
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以感恩父母为主题的英语名言,是对父母养育之情的一个回馈,父母是给我们生命的人,是养育我们长大的人,我们要时刻怀着一颗感恩的心对待父母,用更好的成绩回馈父母,让父母以我们为骄傲。![]() 感恩父母的朗诵稿 以感恩父母为主题的英语名言 1、重资财,不成人子。 Heavy wealth, no son of man. 2、一个父亲胜过一百个老师。 One father is more than one hundred teachers. 3、母亲的心是儿女的天堂。 Mother's heart is a paradise for children. 4、父母的爱,为诸德之基。 Parents' love, is the base of the DE. 5、父恩比山高,母恩比海深。 Mother father is higher than the mountains, deep than the sea. 6、父母天地心,大小无厚薄。 Parents heart heaven and earth, size, thickness. 7、父母的美德是一笔巨大的财富。 Virtue is a great wealth of parents. 8、母亲的低语总是甜蜜的。 The mother's breath is aye sweet. 9、父母在,不远游,游必有方。 Parents, not to travel, swim will be well. 10、母子之情是世界上最神圣的情感。 Mother and son of love is the world's most sacred emotion. 11、父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。 Parents of the grace, water will not drown, fire can not destroy. 12、父亲,应该是一个气度宽大的朋友。 Father, bearing should be a broad friend. 13、忘恩的人落在困难之中,是不能得救的。 Thankless people fall in trouble, can't be saved. 14、孝敬父母经常可以代替最高贵的感情。 His father often can replace the most noble feelings. 15、父母和子女,是彼此赠与的最佳礼物。 Parents and children, is the best gift gift to each other. 16、所有杰出的非凡人物,都有出色的母亲。 All the special characters of outstanding, have a good mother. 17、父母之所爱亦爱之,父母之所敬亦敬之。 Also love the love of parents, parents of worship and respect you. 18、大孝终身慕父母。唯孝顺父母可以解忧。 Filial piety for parents for life. Filial piety parents relieves stress. 19、智慧之子使父亲快乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞。 A wise son makes a father happiness, but a foolish son shames the mother. 20、母爱是多么强烈,自私,狂热地占据我们整个心灵的感情。 A mother's love is how strong, selfish, fanatical to occupy our whole heart feelings. 21、家是父亲的王国,母亲的世界,儿童的乐园。 Home is the kingdom of the father, the mother's world, children's paradise. 22、父亲!对上帝,我们无法找到一个比这更神圣的称呼了。 Father! In god, we are unable to find a more sacred than that. 23、不得乎亲,不可以为人;不顺乎亲,不可以为子。 Shall not kiss, can not be; Don't accord with kiss, cannot think. 24、卑鄙小人总是忘恩负义的,忘恩负义原本卑鄙的一部分。 Dirty dog always ungrateful, ungrateful originally part of the base. 25、慈母的心灵早在怀孕的时候就同婴儿交织在一起了。 Mother's heart as early as when I was pregnant with the baby intertwined. 26、感恩是美德中最微小的,忘恩负义是品行中最不好的。 Thanksgiving is a virtue of the smallest, ungrateful is the most bad conduct. 27、不当家,不知柴米贵;不养儿,不知报母恩。 Don't take charge of, don't know those expensive; Don't keep son, I do not know to mother. 28、世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。 Is one of the most beautiful sound in the world, that is mother's voice. 29、人们听到的最美的声音来自母亲,来自家乡,来自天堂。 People heard the most beautiful voices from mother, from home, from heaven. 30、人世间最美丽的情景是出现在当我们怀念到母亲的时候。 In the world the most beautiful scene when they were in when we miss to her mother. 以感恩父母为主题的英语名言就为您介绍到这,点击下一页,朗读感恩父母的朗诵稿 |
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