美 ['ɑn(ə)rəb(ə)l]
英 ['ɒnərəb(ə)l]
- adj.阁下;可敬的;廉洁的;有名誉的
- n.〈美〉同“honourable”
- 网络光荣的;尊敬的;高尚的
adj. | 1. 可敬的,高尚的;正直的,廉洁的;有名誉的,光荣的;体面的 2. 阁下 |
adj. | 1. used as a title of respect before somebody's name to indicate entitlement to respect because of an official position held, or used to address a parliamentary colleague 2. used as a courtesy title in the United Kingdom for the children of some members of the aristocracy 3. guided by, or with a reputation for having, strong moral and ethical principles 4. worthy of or winning honor, respect, recognition, or glory 5. upright and moral in intent 6. an honorable person is someone who deserves respect because they behave according to high moral standards 1. used as a title of respect before somebody's name to indicate entitlement to respect because of an official position held, or used to address a parliamentary colleague 2. used as a courtesy title in the United Kingdom for the children of some members of the aristocracy 3. guided by, or with a reputation for having, strong moral and ethical principles 4. worthy of or winning honor, respect, recognition, or glory 5. upright and moral in intent 6. an honorable person is someone who deserves respect because they behave according to high moral standards |