释义 |
- n.林肯;Abraham Lincoln 林肯;〈美〉林肯牌大轿车
- 网络林肯大学;林肯传;林肯市
un. | 1. 林肯(1.美国伊利诺伊州中部一城市;2.美国内布拉斯加州东南部盐河谷地一城市。原名兰开斯特,1867年成为该州首府) 2. 林肯(Abraham,1809—1865,美国第十六任总统,任期1861—1865,以解放黑奴著称于世) | n. | 2. 〔美国〕林肯牌大轿车〔福特汽车厂产的名牌豪华汽车〕 |
un. | 1. historic cathedral city in eastern England. 2. city and seat of Logan County, central Illinois. Abraham Lincoln practiced law there between 1847 and 1859. 3. state capital of Nebraska and seat of Lancaster County, situated in the southeastern part of the state. It is home to the University of Nebraska, Union College, and Nebraska Wesleyan University. | n. | 1. a heavy-fleeced sheep belonging to a breed originally developed in Lincolnshire, England. |