美 ['skimə]
英 ['skiːmə]
- n.纲要
- 网络模式;图式;架构
n. | 1. 〔计〕模式 2. (康德哲学的)先验图式 3. 方案 4. 图解;图表;略图 5. 纲要;图解 6. 摘要,一览;大要,大意;纲要,要略 7. (东正教教士穿的)法衣 8. 概略 9. 【逻辑学】(三段论法的)格 10. 【修辞学】词彩;词藻;修辞手段 1. 〔计〕模式 2. (康德哲学的)先验图式 3. 方案 4. 图解;图表;略图 5. 纲要;图解 6. 摘要,一览;大要,大意;纲要,要略 7. (东正教教士穿的)法衣 8. 概略 9. 【逻辑学】(三段论法的)格 10. 【修辞学】词彩;词藻;修辞手段 |
n. | 1. a diagram or plan showing the basic outline of something 2. an organizational or conceptual pattern in the mind 3. in the philosophy of Kant, a method that allows the understanding to apply concepts to the evidence of the senses 4. in logic, a dummy expression indicating where particular words should appear, e.g. in "S and R," "S" and "R" are schemata for sentences 5. a plan that just shows the main parts of something 1. a diagram or plan showing the basic outline of something 2. an organizational or conceptual pattern in the mind 3. in the philosophy of Kant, a method that allows the understanding to apply concepts to the evidence of the senses 4. in logic, a dummy expression indicating where particular words should appear, e.g. in "S and R," "S" and "R" are schemata for sentences 5. a plan that just shows the main parts of something |