释义 |
- v.确保;使确信;向…保证;弄清
- 网络担保;使放心;确告
第三人称单数:assures 现在分词:assuring 过去式:assured v.+n. assure safety,assure success,assure victory,assure supply,access assure v. promise,guarantee,pledge,swear,declare 1. | 使确信;向…保证to tell sb that sth is definitely true or is definitely going to happen, especially when they have doubts about it |
| You think I did it deliberately, but I assure you (that) I did not. 你认为这是我故意干的,不过我向你保证不是的。 | | We were assured that everything possible was being done. 我们得到保证说,正在尽一切努力。 | | She's perfectly safe, I can assure you . 我可以向你保证,她绝对安全。 | | We assured him of our support. 我们向他保证给予支持。 | | ‘He'll come back,’ Susan assured her. “他会回来的。”苏珊安慰她道。 |
2. | 弄清;查明to make yourself certain about sth |
| He assured himself of her safety. 他确定她是安全的。 | | She assured herself that the letter was still in the drawer. 她查清楚信仍然在抽屉里。 |
3. | 确保;使确定to make sth certain to happen |
| Victory would assure a place in the finals. 胜利将确保能参加决赛。 | | Victory would assure them a place in the finals. 获胜后他们就能参加决赛。 |
4. | ~ sth 保险(尤指人寿险)to insure sth, especially against sb's death |
| What is the sum assured? 人寿保险额是多少? |
v. | 1. 保证,确保,保障;把握;向…担保,向…保证,给…打包票,一力担保,确有保障 6. 安慰,让…放心,叫…放心,关照…放心,叫…别心急 8. 告诉,跟…说,老实跟…说;一口咬定;斩钉截铁地说 1. 保证,确保,保障;把握;向…担保,向…保证,给…打包票,一力担保,确有保障 6. 安慰,让…放心,叫…放心,关照…放心,叫…别心急 8. 告诉,跟…说,老实跟…说;一口咬定;斩钉截铁地说 |
v. | 1. to convince somebody of something 2. to overcome somebody's doubt or disbelief about something 3. to make something certain to happen 4. to insure somebody against something that is certain to happen, e.g. death, rather than something that might happen, e.g. loss of or damage to property 5. to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, especially in order to remove doubt about it 6. say positively,with confidence;ensure 7. cause(oneself)to be sure,to feel certain 8. ensure(the more usu.word) 1. to convince somebody of something 2. to overcome somebody's doubt or disbelief about something 3. to make something certain to happen 4. to insure somebody against something that is certain to happen, e.g. death, rather than something that might happen, e.g. loss of or damage to property 5. to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, especially in order to remove doubt about it 6. say positively,with confidence;ensure 7. cause(oneself)to be sure,to feel certain 8. ensure(the more usu.word) |