Bermuda Triangle
- n.百慕大三角(大西洋中位于百慕大、佛罗里达州和波多黎各之间的海域,已有许多船只、飞机在此神秘地失踪)
- 网络百慕达三角;百慕大三角洲;百慕大三角区
Bermuda Triangle
1. | 百慕大三角(大西洋中位于百慕大、佛罗里达州和波多黎各之间的海域,已有许多船只、飞机在此神秘地失踪)an area in the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico where a large number of ships and aircraft are believed to have disappeared in a mysterious way |
This area of town is known as the Bermuda Triangle because drinkers can disappear into the pubs and clubs and be lost to the world. 城里的这一地区称作“百慕大三角”,因为酒徒进入这里的酒吧和夜总会后就可能消失得无影无踪。 |